Empower Health, Hatchways Challenge - Backend Assessment - Blog Posts

This is API only Ruby on Rails based application solution to Empower Health, hatchways 's Backend Assessment - Blog Posts challenge.

Live Demo

Live demo can be found at https://stormy-beyond-46831.herokuapp.com/

Tech Stack

  • Ruby (3.0.2)
  • Rails (6.1.4)

Running Locally

Make sure above requirements are fulfilled before running this application.

git clone blog-api.bundle Extract bundle file

Navigate to project directory and follow following commands

bundle install will install all the required gems.

rake db:create to create database (Though we don't need db for this app. As i didn't skip active record/db installation on new app creation, It is needed due to dependency.)

rails server Rails Server will start and you can visit localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Running Tests

Run rails spec command from project folder.


  • PostController is doing param validations and return error message if params are not in correct format.
  • PostService is responsible for calling external api, transform the results and return back.
    • The Service take tags and transformer as input parameters
    • API response are cached, key is the tag with expiry of 1 day
    • To merge response of multiple tags, I am using hash as data structure. Post id is the key used.
      • Hash has search with constant order, hence its efficient to find if we have already included the post in output.
  • PostSortTransformer is used to transform (sort) the external api response
  • For Caching, I am using Rails cache to store the output of the external API.
    • Right now the cache store is default store. We can changed it to Redis, Memcache or any other.
  • Used Rspec for testing the API response
    • To verify the response when parameters passed are correct, I am checking the response code and the sort order of the values.


All points mentioned have been covered in the submission

-[x] An /api/posts route that handles the following query parameters: -[x] tags (mandatory) : any number of comma-separated strings -[x] sortBy (optional) : one of “id”, “reads”, “likes”, “popularity” -[x] direction (optional) : one of “asc”, “desc”, defaults to “asc” -[x] Error handling: Return an error message if: -[x] tags parameter is missing -[x] sortBy or direction has an invalid value -[x] Testing without using our solution API route -[x] Caching (bonus)