
Gradle plugin to build code using any bot.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Custom Android Build Automation Plugin

A Gradle plugin for build automation for android build system.


This plugin will pull the latest code from your git remote repository. Checkout to specified bot.config.branch, Then generate the APK and copy the generated APK to your specified directory in bot.config.destinationPath.


For Gradle version 2.1 and later:

plugins {
  id "com.github.aman400.gradlebot" version "0.2.1"

For Gradle version lower than 2.1:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath "gradle.plugin.com.github.aman400.gradlebot:gradlebot:0.2.1"

apply plugin: "com.github.aman400.gradlebot"


Add gradlebot.properties file in the root folder of your project with following configuration:

#Set credentials for fetching latest data from git repo

#Default branch

#(Optional) Default is 'origin'

git.ssh.path is the path for ssh file.

git.ssh.passphrase is the passphrase for ssh.

git.username is the git remote repository username.

git.password is the git remote repository password.

git.branch.default is the default branch that is checked out when performing resetBranch task.

git.remote is to set the git remote. Default is origin.

Either set git.ssh.path and git.ssh.passphrase when using ssh as transfer protocol or set git.username and git.password when using https as transfer protocol

In your build.gradle file add following config:

bot {
    config {
        // Destination file path where the app will be copied to             
        destinationPath = GENERATED_APP_BUILD_PATH // (Optional)
        // Build type eg. debug/release
        buildType = ANDROID_BUILD_TYPE // (Optional)
        // Android product flavour
        flavour =  ANDROID_PRODUCT_FLAVOUR // (Optional)
        // This prefix will be appended to app name before copying to destination directory 
        filePrefix = GENERATED_APP_NAME_PREFIX // (Optional) 
        git {
            // Git branch to be checked out to before build generation
            branch = GIT_BRANCH

bot.config.git.branch config is to specify the branch to checkout to.

bot.config.destinationPath config is to specify the destination path to copy generate APK to.

bot.config.buildType config is to specify any android build you want to build.

bot.config.flavour config is to specify android build flavour you want to build.

bot.config.filePrefix config is to prepend prefix to generated APK.

Tasks and usage

pullCode Task fetches the latest code from the github Repo and checkout to the specified bot.config.git.branch. bot.config.git.credentials are mandatory for fetching the latest code from branch.

./gradlew pullCode

cleanOutput Task cleans up android build/outputs directory for root android project and sub-projects.

./gradlew cleanOutput

fetchRemoteBranches Task fetches and print all available remote branches.

./gradlew fetchRemoteBranches

assembleWithArgs Task depends upon cleanOutput and assemble tasks. It generates APK according to specified config and move generated APK to given destination.

./gradlew assembleWithArgs

resetBranch Task resets the current branch to git.branch.default and deletes the current local branch

./gradlew resetBranch

When working with Github:

Github Settings allow to create OAuth token. These can also be used to authenticate HTTPS connections. Use OAuth token as username and "" as password.

When working with Gitlab:

GitLab Profile Settings allow to create Personal Access Tokens. These can also be used to authenticate HTTPS connections. Access tokens can have an expiration date or can be revoked manually at any time.