An online marketplace for selling and buying products for college students.
- Install Apache.
- Install MySQL.
- Run your apache server with College-Store/public as root folder.
- Run Mysql server.
- Make a new database with any name and use PHPmyadmin interface to run the sql code in Project_1.sql.
- In models folder make a file named connect.php and include the following code :
$username = 'your_mysql_username';
$password = 'your_mysql_password';
$database = 'your_database_name';
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost',$username,$password,$database);
//check for errors
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo 'Failed to connect to database : ' . mysqli_connect_error();
- Add data of different colleges so that student can select their college.
- Run :
./import path/to/college_data.txt
- You can add more colleges to college_data.txt by editing the text file.
Site is based on MVC Architecture
- bin : contains script to fetch data of colleges from text file and add to database.
- controllers : conatins all the controllers that selects which views to render based on users requests.
- models : contains all the database interactions like insertion,select statements and deletion.
- public : conatins all the files publicly accessible to user.
- views : contains HTML and basic design of the site that gets rendered through controllers.