A simple Website for employee's of a firm to apply for leave requests, and get it approved by the manager. -it has 3 users : 1.Admin 2.Manager & 3.Employee - only admin can add a new user. - manager and admin both can approve or decline a leave request. -user can't access the site without logging in. - manager can only view the pending requests. - admin can view all the requests by all employees and manager approvals. How to Run the site: 1.start the virtual env by pasting this code in the terminal insdie the folder directory env\Scripts\activate 2.type this code in the terminal to start the server python manage.py runserver 3. go the locahost address(mostly 4.Log in Credentials for : Admin: username: admin password: passkeyadmin Manager: username: manager password: passkeymanager Employee: username: employee password: passkeyemp 5. To ensure the site doesnt break when adding Admin,manager or employee make sure: 1.To give admin superuser and staff access 2. Manager only staff access 3. employee no staff or superuser access 6. superuser can also be created using the command python manage.py createsuperuser