
Service to create graph database(neo4j) for multiple depths relationships and give the recommended node as per the constrains.

Primary LanguagePython


Sample graph nodes and relations

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  • Benchmark for deleting, adding and matching from graph database for respective nodes.

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Relationship between nodes

  • Food -[:PART_OF]-> Meal
  • Food -[:PART_OF]-> Cuisine
  • Food -[:GOOD_FOR]-> Allergy
  • Food -[:BAD_FOR]-> Allergy
  • Food -[:GOOD_FOR]-> MedicalCondition
  • Food -[:BAD_FOR]-> MedicalCondition
  • User -[:LIKES]-> Food
  • User -[:DISLIKES]-> Food
  • User -[:EATEN_UP]-> Food
  • Food -[:SIMILAR_TO]-> Food