Student Alcohol Consumption Prediction
Dataset was downloaded from
In the input, workday and weekend alcohol consumption is given in range of 1 - very low to 5 - very high. Its value for the week is normalized as (workday_alcohol_consumption5 + weekend_alcohol_consumption2)/7 If the value is greater than 3.0, then alcohol consumption is considered too high. Features used:
- School
- Sex
- Age
- Parents status
- Mother education
- Father education
- Guardion
- Weekly study time
- Past failure
- Extra curricular
- Higher education
- Romantic relationship
- Going out
- Health status
- School absence
- Final grades I used Decision Tree Classifier & Support Vector Machine to predict whether alcohol consumption is high or not. With DT Classifier, I had an accuracy of 88% and with SVM 91%.
Neural network is also implemented having accuracy of 92%. You can choose the method in file.
If you want to learn about neural network solution: This might be the best way to start with.