
The basics of numeracy, for folks who don't usually think in numbers. See the live slides at:

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Fundamentals of Numeracy

In this repository you'll find a number of slide decks, handouts and quizzes that I use to teach numeracy to writers. You'll also find answer keys to my quizzes. If you want to memorize a bunch of arbitrary "right" answers instead of doing your best on a quiz and then asking for help when you realize you still aren't getting it, I won't stop you. But it seems crazy to me.

This repository is based on material developed jointly by Amanda Hickman and Ben Lesser for the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in the Fall of 2013. It is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

attribution, non-commercial, share alike

Don't hesitate to contact either of us to discuss commercial use, however.