Brussels Sprouts with Fetch

Clone this assignment and run bundle and npm install. If you visit localhost:4567 in your browser, you should see the Sprout Fetcher header and two buttons. They look nice, but they don't do anything yet!

We need brussels sprouts recipes, stat!

We're getting nervous that our students are getting sick of brussels sprouts, so we've decided to spruce them up. We need your help to build an app that will display either an exciting random brussels sprouts recipe from our dataset, or all of the amazing sprout options as a list!

What's going on here?

We have a file called dishes.json that has a json object of all of our brussels sprouts recipes. If we take a look at our server.rb file, we have a read_dishes method that parses that data, and two API endpoints that return either one dish or all of the dishes as json.

We have a SproutsContainer that will keep track of the random recipe (string), or the index recipes (array), and render a RandomSprout component and SproutsIndex component with whatever values are in state.

We also have two buttons: one which will handle fetch-ing a random recipe, and one which will handle fetch-ing all the recipes.

Your Job

Our app looks nice, but it doesn't do anything! We need your help to get our recipes out of the dishes.json file and onto our page. You should:

  • Write a fetch call in the getRandomRecipe method that will hit the /api/v1/random-recipe API endpoint. The endpoint will return a single recipe, which should be set in state.recipe.

  • Write a fetch call in the getAllRecipes method that will hit the /api/v1/recipes API endpoint. The endpoint will return an array of recipes, which should be set in

  • We don't want our random recipe and our index of recipes showing up on the page at the same time! Make sure the user can toggle between the two by clicking buttons.

Bonus Challenge

Add the ability for a user to see the recipe with the longest name in your data file. You'll need to:

  • Create a new API endpoint in server.rb that will return as json the recipe with the longest name.

  • Write a new method to fetch the data from your new endpoint and set it into a property in state.

  • Create a LongestRecipe component that will receive the longest recipe from props and display it in the SproutsContainer.

  • Write a new handler function the pass down to a new See Longest Recipe button that you create (see hendleRandomClick as an example!)


  • Visit localhost:4567/api/v1/your-url in your browser to see what data your endpoint is returning!
  • Place a pry anywhere in your API endpoint and visit the url in the browser to debug in your terminal.
  • Place a debugger in your then statement in your fetch request to see what data you're passing through at any given point.