
An App for Privy users to share their investment time topics built using React Hooks and the Context API. Styled using styled-components


As a user, you can

  • Log in using authentication via the Google JS API
  • Share your investment time resources with others
  • Browse recent posts from teammates
  • Filter by post "tags"

In Progress:

  • Load more posts
  • Edit posts
  • Save a resource as "to do"
  • Mark a resource as "completed"

Comment tutorial

I've left comments to explain how I am using each hook. This app contains examples of th useState, useEffect, and useContext hooks built into React, as well as an example of one custom hook.

Comment tutorials follow the pattern EXAMPLE_<HOOK_TYPE>_<STEP>, where HOOK_TYPE is one of:


and STEP is a sequential number. These comments can be followed in order by search. eg:


Set up locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a google api key here
  3. Create a .env file at the root of the directory. Save your Client ID as GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<yourclientid>
  4. run bundle install
  5. run rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed
  6. run ruby server.rb

In a new terminal window:

  1. run yarn install
  2. run yarn start

Naviate to localhost:4567