
Overview of the analysis

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the number of retiring employees per title, and identify employees who are eligible to participate in a mentorship program to help prepare Bobby’s manager for the “silver tsunami” as many current employees reach retirement age.


For this project, we initially analyzed the employee database to determine:

  • The number of employees that are in the range age of retirement because they were born between the years of 1952 and 1955.
  • The elegible employees for the proposed Mentorship Program. Where the eligibility rule is the employees that were born in 1965.

Using these analysis described above, we are able to provide four points based on our analysis:

  • A total of 72,458 employees are in our retirement list according to the born date from 1952 to 1955.

  • There are 7 unique employee titles from the 72k list of retirement employees.

  • 70% of the retiring employees are "Senior Engineers" and "Senior Staff".

  • 1,549 employees are eligible for the mentorship program. For this elegebility, the employee must be a current employee and that was born in 1965.


Provide high-level responses to the following questions, then provide two additional queries or tables that may provide more insight into the upcoming "silver tsunami."

  • How many roles will need to be filled as the "silver tsunami" begins to make an impact? There are at least 72k employees who can retire in the Silver Tsunami. These employees are within 7 title. And the biggest will be the titles "Senior Engineer" and "Senior Staff" title which represent 70% of the employee retirement list, as shown below - 34.4 "Senior Staff" and 35.77 "Senior Engineer".


  • Are there enough qualified, retirement-ready employees in the departments to mentor the next generation of Pewlett Hackard employees? Out of the 72,458 employees who are eligible for retirement, only .6% are able to mentor. This will leave a huge gap at the company when the "silver tsunami" hits.