
fetching characters from rick and morty api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rick and Morty API


About the challenge

Develop an application to search characters from the Rick and Morty's Universe from the official API


  • It must be online
  • It must be on Github
  • It must fetch data from the API

Points to watch

  • Good development practices
  • Coding standards
  • Animations. Various animations
  • Good use of HTML5, CSS3, React and browser API
  • Responsive layout for screen sizes other than those specified in the design
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Accessibility
  • Well structured readme explaining the project at a high level, how to execute, compile and test


  • Unit test and integration test
  • End to End tests

Getting Started

For getting a copy in you computer to load the interface and the test, follow the next steps or if just wish to see the result, click here to get redirect to it.


You must have node installed in your computer. In 12 version or higher

To check, open your shell or bash and paste the following command:

node -v

Forking and initializing

In the superior part of this github repository, there's a button called Fork, that it will make a copy in your account of this project and the you can clone into you computer

🔻 These commands must be typed in your bash

For clone then, paste this:

git clone https://github.com/amandabrbz/rick-and-morty.git

cd rick-and-morty
npm install


Serving locally tge application:

npm start

After starting the application, it will open automatically a window in your default browser, running the project in the :3000


🚫 Caso a porta já esteja sendo utilizada, a própria aplicação avisa e tenta outra porta.

🚫 In case of the port it's been used, the application will notify and it'll try another port, pay attention to your bash in this step.


For this application I made a few smoke and unit tests using react-testing-library with jest, to run and see them, type in your shell the following command:

npm test


I've already have some side projects in platforms such as Netlify, Heroku and Vercel, but I really like the process that Netlify offers, it's simple to set it up and and it's easier to deal with it.

To make it more automated, the deploy occurs every time that has a new commit in the branch main, such as a merge or a regular commit and then the own Netlify run the npm build, but it can be done with the Netlify's CLI and running the following commands in the bash:

npm run build
netlify deploy --prod

Ps: To see the the result in production, come back to the section Deploy


Netlify Status
Github - Source Code | Netlify - Render


Amanda Barboza @ LinkedIn