
:baby: little baby harlin ~ codename lbh :couplekiss:

little baby harlin


###Project Details

About Ada

Ada Ripley Harlin was born 11/23/2015 at 6 lbs 15 oz and 19" long.

  • dreams about eating
  • REM sleep cycle faces include big smiles, sad face, and larrydavid.gif
  • pretty much sleeps through the night in 1.5-2 hour segments
  • is sometimes a cranky butt during daytime hours
  • loves cuddling and being warm
  • hates her burps and poots
  • is kissed everyday (look at dem cheeks! so cute!)
  • has blue eyes, blonde hair
  • will likely have brown eyes and hair within the next year
  • is a little tounge-tied but latches just fine
  • does not have jesse's simian-palmar palm crease
  • is 93% for height (21" long at 1st checkup) and is in something like the 12th percentile for cranium size and weight (small lil baby)

lil bb

side profile of fetus' cranium

###Project Milestones

Trimester Start Date End Date
1st 02/22/15 05/10/15
2nd 05/17/15 08/23/15
3rd 08/30/15 11/22/15

video of fetus swallowing and looking away abruptly


baby stuntin