Tools for digital color
Huetility was developed to make it easy for software engineers to make smart, accessible color decisions without having to open multiple tools or do the complex math needed to navigate digital colors.
The application includes a color picker for sRGB color modes: HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA, and hexcode. After selecting a color, users are shown a variety of visuals including tints and shades of the color, information to support accessibility including color contrast and vision deficiency emulations, and harmony palettes such as complementary, analogous, and more. The visuals can be clicked to quickly copy values that can be added to CSS rules.
View the app at
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Vite
- React
- React Testing Library
- Vitest
In the future, Huetility could be available as a package for engineers to add to their projects, making it easy to implement a color picker and leverage all of the available utilities, translations, and supporting functions in their own apps. Huetility should expand to support CIELAB and Oklab colorspaces.