Houses of Westeros (And some Essos houses, too)

A Backbone/Express App

This app is ready to go with all the JSON-based CRUD routes you need! Build a front end for it using Backbone.


Before we can start this app, there are a few things we need to do...

  1. In the root of the repository, run npm install. This is similar to bundle in rubyland... But with some differences. If you don't have Node installed, go here and download and run the installer. NPM is installed as part of Node.

  2. Start psql and create a houses_of_westeros_development database.

  3. In terminal, try running the command sequelize. If it returns an error, run npm install -g sequelize-cli. This installs the command line interface for the sequelize module.

  4. Run sequelize db:migrate. Can you guess what this does?

  5. Run node seedfile.js. This will populate the database with all the information about ASOIAF houses.

Your Task

Implement the app's client-side structure using backbone.

The homepage should show a list with all the houses.


On the homepage, add a form to submit new houses. When it is submitted, the list with all the houses should be updated automatically.