
A mini-app to represent the multipole resonance representation lookup cross section algorithm.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

                    _____   _____ ____                  _     
                   |  __ \ / ____|  _ \                | |    
                   | |__) | (___ | |_) | ___ _ __   ___| |__  
                   |  _  / \___ \|  _ < / _ \ '_ \ / __| '_ \ 
                   | | \ \ ____) | |_) |  __/ | | | (__| | | |
                   |_|  \_\_____/|____/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|
                                   Version 3

Contact Information

Organization:     Center for Exascale Simulation of Advanced Reactors (CESAR)
                  Argonne National Laboratory

Development Lead: John Tramm <jtramm@mcs.anl.gov>

What is RSBench?

A mini-app to represent the multipole resonance representation lookup
cross section algorithm.

Quick Start Guide


	For the most up-to-date version of RSBench, we recommend that you
	download from our git repository. This can be accomplished via
	cloning the repository from the command line, or by downloading a zip
	from our github page. Alternatively, you can download a tar file from
	the CESAR website directly.

	Git Repository Clone:
		Use the following command to clone RSBench to your machine:

		>$ git clone https://github.com/jtramm/RSBench.git

		Once cloned, you can update the code to the newest version
		using the following command (when in the RSBench directory):

		>$ git pull
	Git Zip Download:

		Simply use the "zip download" option on our webpage at:



	To compile RSBench with default settings, use the following

	>$ make

Running RSBench---------------------------------------------------------------

	To run RSBench with default settings, use the following command:

	>$ ./RSBench

	For non-default settings, RSBench supports the following command line

	Usage: ./RSBench <options>
	Options include:
	  -t <threads>     Number of OpenMP threads to run
	  -s <size>        Size of H-M Benchmark to run (small, large)
	  -l <lookups>     Number of Cross-section (XS) lookups
	  -p <poles>       Average Number of Poles per Nuclide
	  -w <windows>     Average Number of Windows per Nuclide
	Default is equivalent to: -s large -l 10000000 -p 1000 -w 250

	-t <threads>

		Sets the number of OpenMP threads to run. By default, RSBench
		will run with 1 thread per hardware core. If the architecture
		supports hyperthreading, multiple threads will be run per

		If running in MPI mode, this will be the number of threads
		per MPI rank.

	-s <size>
		Sets the size of the Hoogenboom-Martin reactor model. There
		are two options: 'small' and 'large'. By default,
		the 'large' option is selected. 

		The H-M size corresponds to the number of nuclides present
		in the fuel region.  The small version has 34 fuel nuclides,
		whereas the large version has 321 fuel nuclides. This
		significantly slows down the runtime of the program as the
		data structures are much larger, and more lookups are required
		whenever a lookup occurs in a fuel material.  Note that the
		program defaults to "Large" if no specification is made.

	-l <lookups>
		Sets the number of cross-section (XS) lookups to perform. By
		default, this value is set to 5,000,000. Users may want to
		increase this value if they wish to extend the runtime of
		RSBench, perhaps to produce more reliable performance counter
		data - as extending the run will decrease the percentage of
		runtime spent on initialization.

	-r <resonances>

		Sets the average number of resonances per nuclide. It is
		assumed that each nuclide has a different number of resonances
		evenly spaced through energy space, where -r sets the average
		number of resonances per nuclide. The variance between nuclides is
		farirly small ( < 20% usually). The total number of resonances is
		guaranteed to be equal to the number of nuclides multiplied by the
		average number of resonances per nuclide.

		This value, along with the H-M benchmark size, is responsible for
		the total size of the RSBench data structures.

Debugging, Optimization & Profiling

There are also a number of switches that can be set in the makefile.

Here is a sample of the control panel at the top of the makefile:

DEBUG     = no
PROFILE   = no
STATUS    = yes

-> Optimization enables the -O3 optimization flag.

-> Debugging enables the -g flag.

-> Profiling enables the -pg flag.

-> STATUS enables calculation completion % printout status text.
   You may want to disable this if doing batch or scripted runs.
   Does not affect performance.
