Project designed to identify automated Test Cases scripts and export them to an online target. The Test Cases, along with their types/levels, are identified through regular expressions defined on the yaml configuration file. The purpose is to organize test cases, grouping them by test types, to help managing the tests created as well to serve as input to generate charts and reports of tests distribution.
Currently (version 1.0.x) the tests can be exported only to google spreadsheet.
Using pip from source
pip install git+
or clone from the source:
git clone
cd test-reader
python install
For installation using pip (PyPI or source). See environment variables config.
For installation from the source, go to the source project path and run
python bin/test-reader-start
Variable | Description | Required |
APP_NAME | The tests will be saved on a sheet of a google spreadsheet. The name of sheet should correspond to APP_NAME, passed on this environment variable | yes |
YAML_CONFIG_PATH | This variable contains the path to yaml file, to describe your tests configuration / distribution, the paths you need. | yes |
SPREADSHEET_ID | The id of your Google spreadsheet. For more info, check on Google Spreadsheet settings. | yes |
CREDENTIALS_PATH | To be able to edit a spreadsheet, you need a credentials json generated on your Google account. For more info, check on Google Spreadsheet settings. | yes |
ROOT_FILE_PATH | If this variable is passed it will be concatenate to paths configured at yaml file | no |
Create a new Spreadsheet in your Google Drive. On URL, your spreadsheet id will be located between and /edit. See the example below:```1wSAkr0m4D-6YolQycW-aZBV3zvBz0aoxqRCZLDqGeqM```/edit#gid=0
- Go to
- Search for Google Sheets API and enable it.
- On Google Sheets API, go to Credentials menu.
- Click on CREATE CREDENTIALS and select Service Account
- Inform any service account name and click on Create.
- You will be redirected to Service account permissions, click on Continue.
- At this step, go to create key and click at button + Create Key.
- Check if JSON option is selected and click on Create. At this step, a json file will be downloaded. This json path should be informed at CREDENTIALS_PATH environment variable.
- When you generates yout credentials json (usually it's called dark-balancer<random_value>.json), check that there is a field on json named client_email. Copy the value of this field.
- Go to your spreadsheet and share it with this email. Note: You will need to give edition permission to this email.
- Now you are ready to export your tests. After generating your credentials.json, go to your spreadsheet.
The test reader is based on an yaml configuration. This configuration will instruct the script where to find your tests, as well, how to identify it and what is it test type name. This way, you can map the distribution and test types you need, and use it to many languages.
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | Used to map the name of test type. Example: Unit, Component, Integration... | yes |
extends | It should have a name of another test configuration, used as parent. With this attribute, all attributes not informed will assume the value from parent. It is valid only for tests in the same path. You can't override path. | no |
file_name_regex | Used to define how the test file is named. It should be configured with a regular expression | yes |
file_content_contains | Used to select only files that contains a line with an expression. In this case, you have to put the fixed string. (It does not work with regular expression) | no |
path | Path where you will find your tests. | yes (if it has no extends) |
test_rules / test_description_regex | Test rules will have the filters to identify a test case. The test_description_regex will have the regex to extract your description from a line. | yes (if it has no extends) |
test_rules / test_description_strategy | This attribute should have the strategy to get the test description based on test notation. If the description is on the same line of the test notation, you will use SAME_LINE value. If it is on the next line, you should use NEXT_LINE value. | yes (if it has no extends) |
test_rules / test_notation | This attribute will inform the regular expression to identify a new test in the file. | yes (if it has no extends) |
test_rules / test_exclusion_regex | This attribute will inform the regular expression to identify that a test should be ignored. It should be configured with test_exclusion_strategy. | no |
test_rules / test_exclusion_strategy | This attribute should have the strategy to exclude the test description based on test exclusion regex. If the description is on the same line of the test exclusion regex, you will use SAME_LINE value. If it is on the next line, you should use NEXT_LINE value. It should be configured with test_exclusion_regex. | no |
spreadsheet_columns | This attribute should be used to configure additional columns with fixed values to be exported on sheet. The attributes should be configured inside this attribute. For each key inside this attribute, there will be a column and value of the key will be the value for this column and test_type. The sheet will have all the columns configured on yaml. If a type does not have this column, it will have an empty value for the column. Extension will be applied, so that, if a parent type has a column with a value, it's children, will have the column with this value, unless, it is override on child. | no |
Example 1: Simple configuration This example is configured to identify unit tests from Kotlin.
Supposing the following file: ~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java/
class SumTest {
fun `should sum two numbers`() {
If you want to map, this test case as Unit, you should use the following yaml:
file_name_regex: .*Test\.kt$
name: Unit
path: ~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java
test_description_regex: "`(.+?)`"
test_description_strategy: NEXT_LINE
test_notation: "^@Test+$"
On this example, you will export:
FileName | TestCaseName | TestType |
~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java/ | should sum two numbers | Unit |
Example 2: More complex configuration
This example is configured to identify unit and component tests from Kotlin. We are assuming that component tests are in the same directory of unit tests, but the only difference is that component tests has a line with expression @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class)
Supposing the following files: ~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java/
class SumTest {
fun `should sum two numbers`() {
class SumActivityTest {
fun `should show sum`() {
If you want to map, those test cases as Unit and Component, you should use the following yaml:
file_name_regex: .*Test\.kt$
name: Unit
path: /home/amandaq/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java
test_description_regex: "`(.+?)`"
test_description_strategy: NEXT_LINE
test_notation: "^@Test+$"
name: Component
extends: Unit
file_content_contains: "@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class)"
On this example, you will export:
FileName | TestCaseName | TestType |
~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java/ | should sum two numbers | Unit |
~/projects/my-android-app/app/src/test/java/ | should show sum | Component |
Note in the example above, that we used extends, because the types are in the path. If you have different tests in different paths, you can't use extension.
file_name_regex: .*Test\.kt$
test_description_regex: "`(.+?)`"
test_description_strategy: NEXT_LINE
test_notation: "^@Test+$"
file_name_regex: .*.test\.js$
test_description_regex: ".*it\\('(.+?)',"
test_description_strategy: SAME_LINE
test_notation: ".*it\\('(.+?)'"
file_name_regex: .*/test_.*\.py$
test_description_regex: 'def (.+?)\('
test_description_strategy: SAME_LINE
test_notation: 'def (.+?)\('
file_name_regex: .*/*.feature$
test_description_regex: '^Scenario( Outline)?:(.+?)$'
test_description_strategy: SAME_LINE
test_notation: '^Scenario( Outline)?:(.+?)$'
test_exclusion_regex: "^@wip"
test_exclusion_strategy: "BEFORE_LINE"
file_name_regex: .*Test\.java$
test_description_regex: '^public void (.+?)\('
test_description_strategy: NEXT_LINE
test_notation: "^@Test+$"
test_exclusion_regex: "^@Ignore"
test_exclusion_strategy: "BEFORE_LINE"
file_name_regex: '.*/*.groovy$'
test_description_regex: 'def (.+?)\('
test_description_strategy: SAME_LINE
test_notation: 'def (.+?)\('
This first version only exports to Google Spreadsheets. With this, you can create many view at Google Data Studio to manage your tests.