
This project has an analysis of PETR4 stock price and the oil price per Barrel from January 2000 to May 2023. The goal is to calculate the Pearson correlation and plot the curves on the same graph.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project has an analysis of PETR4 stock price and the oil price per Barrel from January 2000 to May 2023. The goal is to calculate the Pearson correlation and plot the curves on the same graph.

The conclusion is that the Pearson and the Spearman correlations are close to 0.7, it indicates a strong correlation, but not a very strong correlation as expected.

Files: crude_oil_and_petr4_correlation.ipynb Colab notebook

price_month.png Lineplot with PETR4 and barrel prices per month.

normalized_price_month.png Lineplot with PETR4 and barrel normalized prices per month (shown below).
