
Building a Drupal annotation solution from scratch. (Now defunct! Not doing further work on this.)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Building a Drupal social reading & annotation solution. The goal is to package this as a VM with good enough documentation that someone new to Drupal can spin up their own participatory digital edition. Work on this will continue throughout 2016; contact amandavisconti@gmail.com or @literature_geek on Twitter if you're interested in using this in your own project. Amanda will add a link to Hypothesis annotation for this page here when these instructions are ready to be followed by the public, so that anyone can note where these instructions need improvement/where they got stuck.


Notes: In cases where installing a module results in multiple checkboxes added to the module admin page (e.g. installing the Views module adds checkboxes for Views and Views UI), I'll specify below if anything but the checkbox next to the name of the module needs to be checked.

Before installing the modules, create subfolders named "custom" and a "contrib" in your sites/all/modules folder; install any modules you get from Drupal.org (contributed modules) in "contrib", and any custom modules (modules whose code has been altered from what's on Drupal.org, or aren't even on Drupal.org) into the "custom" folder. This will help you keep track of modules where code has been altered, which is important as installing the latest update of a module can overwrite custom changes.

  • Install and enable the latest versions of the following modules:

  • Install and enable the following custom modules:

    • Note: the first two modules below are custom versions of these modules, not the modules you may find on Drupal.org
    • Annotation
    • Annotator
    • Highlighted_Annos
  • Add the following to sites/all/libraries (create this libraries folder if it doesn't already exist):

    • Annotator
      • Note: this is a custom version of this folder found in this repo, not the library you may find on the AnnotatorJS website
      • Folder contains: annotator-full.min.js, annotator.min.css


  • jQuery Update (admin/config/development/jquery_update)

    • Set "Default jQuery version" to 1.8
    • Performance > jQuery and jQuery UI CDN = none
  • Theming

    • Sidebar region for view block
  • Views (admin/structure/views)

    • Click the "import" link. (Note: Currently, Drupal requires you to be logged in as UID 1 to see and use the "import view" link. UID 1 means the user with the ID 1—that is, the first user on the site, created during the Drupal installation process.)
      • Name: annosidebar
      • Paste in the text found in this repo at AnnosidebarViewImport.txt
  • Permissions (admin/people/permissions)