
Example Scala blog application using event sourcing, memory image, and the Play! 2.0 framework.

Primary LanguageScala

Example blog application using event sourcing, memory image, and Play! 2.1 with Scala

See http://blog.zilverline.com/2012/07/04/simple-event-sourcing-introduction-part-1/
for the accompanying blog series.

To run the application install play-2.1-RC1 (or later) and run "play".

Or install sbt 0.11.3 (or later) and run "sbt".

To start the server with the Redis (http://redis.io) event store implementation you
will need to have a Redis instance running. Redis 2.6 or higher is required. You can
change the connection settings in conf/application.conf.

Now you can execute "play run" (or "sbt run") to start the server. First time the
internet is downloaded, but after a while you should be able to browse to