Example blog application using event sourcing, memory image, and Play! 2.1 with Scala ===================================================================================== See http://blog.zilverline.com/2012/07/04/simple-event-sourcing-introduction-part-1/ for the accompanying blog series. To run the application install play-2.1-RC1 (or later) and run "play". Or install sbt 0.11.3 (or later) and run "sbt". To start the server with the Redis (http://redis.io) event store implementation you will need to have a Redis instance running. Redis 2.6 or higher is required. You can change the connection settings in conf/application.conf. Now you can execute "play run" (or "sbt run") to start the server. First time the internet is downloaded, but after a while you should be able to browse to http://localhost:9000/
Example Scala blog application using event sourcing, memory image, and the Play! 2.0 framework.