Joystream Substrate Node

Joystream node built on top of Substrate.

Follow the instructions below to download the software or build it from source. Further instructions for windows and mac can be found here. Linux should be similar to mac.

Binary releases

Downloads are available in releases.

Building from source

Initial setup

If you want to build from source you will need the Rust toolchain, openssl and llvm/libclang.

Initialise the WASM build environment:



Checkout the correct release branch if you are planning to connect to one of the public testnets.

Build the WASM runtime library:


Build the node (native code):

cargo build --release

Running a public node

Run the node and connect to the public testnet

cargo run --release

Installing a release build

This will install node to your ~/.cargo/bin folder, which you would normally have in your $PATH environment.

cargo install --path ./

Now you can run



Running a local development node

cargo run --release -- --dev

Cleaning development chain data

When making changes to the runtime library remember to purge the chain after rebuilding the node to test the new runtime.

cargo run --release -- purge-chain --dev

Developing a runtime upgrade

The runtime library is in a separate github repo

The recommended way to test a new runtime is to build it separately and upgrade a dev chain. You can easily do this by calling consensus::setCode() with an extrinsic, either with the webui or with the subcli set-code.js script . No need to recompile the node (but use a release that matches the version of the network you are planning to upgrade and preferably with the runtime of the live chain as well), just make sure to bump the runtime spec version to be different from the native node runtime spec version.

Make sure you run a node built in release mode. If you use debug build and try to set new runtime code the node will halt ...details

Developing runtime for a new chain

If the plan is to write a runtime for a new chain, and not upgrading you can take a different approach. Then modify Cargo.toml in the root of this repo, edit the section: "[dependencies.joystream-node-runtime]" with the path to where you cloned the runtime repo.

Update src/ and src/ find lines where the wasm blob is included include_bytes!("../runtime/.. and modify it to point to the location where the wasm output file is compiled to. You may need to make further changes in chain_spec to match modules added and/or removed that require genesis configuration.

Build the runtime in the cloned runtime repo. Then rebuild the node. You can now run the node in development mode or use it to build a new chain spec.

Why can't I just just modify the code in runtime/

Mainly so you can understand how things work to avoid mistakes when preparing a new runtime upgrade for a live chain, and to separate the release process of the node software from the runtime.