
A debug library for Garry's Mod

Primary LanguageLua


A debug library for Garry's Mod

Designed after GCompute this library gives you a plain and simple lua console to execute code in, depending on your setup the code may be executed on your own client, other clients, the server or all of the above at the same time with any output being piped back to your console.

Console Commands

gbug_reload Reloads the UI, you shouldn't have to use this
gbug_toggle Toggles the UI's visibility, this is the only way to access it at the moment


Commands are ran by typing :<command> and execute separately, you cannot use it together with other code.

cl Clears the console


Modes are specified by typing @<mode>:<arg> either in front of your code or on it's own. The former will use that mode for that run while the latter changes the default.

Mode Commands
TARGET_SELF @me, @self Runs the code on your own client
TARGET_CLIENT @ply:id Runs the code on a specific player, chosen by their userid (from status)
TARGET_CLIENTS @cl, @client Runs the code on every (human) client
TARGET_SERVER @sv, @server Runs the code on the server
TARGET_SHARED @sh, @shared Runs the code on your own client and the server
TARGET_GLOBAL @g, @global Runs the code on everyone


Hook Arguments
gbug.Access Player ply Determines whether or not someone can access/use gbug, defaults to ply:IsSuperAdmin()
gbug.CreateEnv Table env Allows you to modify the environment table


Any code running in gbug will have access to a plethora of additional functions or variables to make debugging quick and easy, these effectively act as local vars or functions.

Var Type
gm Table gmod.GetGamemode()
me Player The player that's running the code
lp Player (CLIENT) LocalPlayer()
Function Returns
NamedEntities(filter) Table|Entity (SERVER) Returns a key-value table containing every named entity that matches filter, returns the entity directly if there's only one result
Console(str) Runs the given console command in whatever environment it's running in
CreateEnt(class, pos, ang, kv) Entity Creates a new entity at the given position/angle, setting any keyvalues passed to it in kv

The following vars all have LocalPlayer() equivalents availble on the client which use l as a prefix, e.g. lsid, ltr and lthis

Var Type
sid String me:SteamID()
here Vector me:GetPos()
eye Vector me:EyePos()
tr Table me:GetEyeTrace()
there Vector tr.HitPos
this Entity tr.Entity
gun Entity me:GetActiveWeapon()