Star Wars Characters App

This Android application utilizes the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, Single Activity Multiple Fragments pattern, and Room Database to display Star Wars characters, their movies, and provide offline support. The app incorporates pagination for smooth scrolling, and a clean UI design. It also includes filtering and sorting options, with a bottom sheet for convenient user interaction.


Display Characters:
    The app presents a grid view of all Star Wars characters.
    Pagination is implemented for efficient loading of character data.

Filtering and Sorting:
    Users can filter characters based on height, mass, and eye color.
    Sorting options include name, height, mass, created, and edited.
    Filter and sort options are accessible through a bottom sheet for a seamless user experience.

Character Details:
    Clicking on a character displays a list of movies that character has participated in.
    Pagination is implemented for a grid view of movies.

Offline Support:
    Room Database is employed to provide offline support, caching character and movie data locally.

Single Activity Multiple Fragments:
    The app follows a Single Activity Multiple Fragments architecture for better maintainability and scalability.

Dependency Injection:
    Dagger is used for dependency injection, enhancing code modularity.

Unit Tests:
    Unit tests are included for ViewModel and Repository to ensure code reliability.


Explore Characters:
    Launch the app to view a paginated GridView of Star Wars characters.
    Scroll through the list to discover various characters.

Filter and Sort:
    Tap on the filter and sort icon to open a bottom sheet.
    Select desired filtering and sorting options to refine the character list.

View Movies:
    Click on any character to view a list of movies they have been a part of.
    Movies are displayed in a paginated Grid.

Offline Support:
    The app supports offline mode using Room Database.
    Cached data is utilized when the device is offline.


1.Clone the repository:

2.Open in Android Studio:

Open Android Studio and select "Open an existing Android Studio project."
Navigate to the cloned repository and open the project.

3.Run the App:

Connect an Android device or use an emulator.
Click on the "Run" button in Android Studio to install and run the app.

Project Structure |-- app |-- src |-- main |-- java/com/finance/growwassignment |-- api | |-- ApiService |-- db | |-- CharacterDao | |-- MovieDao | |-- RemoteKeysDao |-- di | |-- AppModule |-- models | |-- CharacterRemoteKeys | |-- CharacterResponse | |-- Filter | |-- MoviesResult | |-- Movies | |-- Result |-- paging | |-- CharacterMovieAdapter | |-- CharacterMoviePagingSource | |-- CharacterPagingAdapter | |-- CharacterPagingSource | |-- CharacterRemoteMediator | |-- LoaderAdapter |-- repository | |-- CharacterRepository | |-- MovieRepository |-- ui.screens | |-- CharacterFragment | |-- FilmsFragment | |-- MainActivity |-- utilities | |-- CustomButtonWithText | |-- CustomIncrementorButton | |-- DateTypeConverter | |-- FilterType | |-- GridSpacingItemDecoration | |-- OnItemClickListener | |-- GridSpacingItemDecoration | |-- StringListConverter |-- viewmodels | |-- CharacterViewModel | |-- MovieViewModel |-- CharacterDatabase |-- GrowwAssignmentApp |-- MovieDatabase |-- build.gradle |-- ...


Android Architecture Components
Room Database


Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps:

Fork the repository.
Create a new branch.
Make changes.
Create a pull request.


For questions or feedback, contact