

This Android app allows users to register and authenticate themselves. It includes sign-up, login, and logout screens. During sign-up, users provide their name, password, and select their country from a dropdown list. The list of countries is fetched from a JSON file provided in the country API - https://api.first.org/data/v1/countries. The app uses Room Database for local storage.


  • Android SDK version 24 or higher


Provide step-by-step instructions on how to install the app on the user's Android device or emulator. For example:

  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/amanjn38/LoginRegistrationUsingRoom
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.\
  3. Connect a device or launch an Android emulator.
  4. Run the application by clicking on the "Run" menu and selecting "Run 'app'".


You can register yourself by selecting a country, entering the name and the password. Then you can use the same credentials to login into the app.

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin
  • Android Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData)
  • Room Database
  • MVVM Architecture


If you have any questions or need support, you can reach out to us at: