A simple utility to extract FENs from PGN databases. It uses Zahak engine to decide wheather to keep a FEN, or if it is too tactical discards it. Tactial positions are defined as:
ABS(Quiescence Eval - Static Eval)
is bigger than a threashold (configurable).- Position is not in check
- Position is not a checkmate
This utility is useful for extracting FENs from PGN databases to be used for tuning Hand-Crafted Evaluation terms, as well as training NNUE networks.
FenGen writes the generated FENs into stdout, and the format is as follows:
$ ./fengen -limit 40 -input ./self-play-1.pgn -output /tmp
$ cat /tmp/part-1.epd | head
1n1qkb1r/r2b1p2/4pn1p/p2p4/2pP1BpP/2P1P3/1PN2PP1/RN1QKB1R b KQk - 1 11;score:-31;eval:25;qs:25;outcome:0.5
r5kr/1p3ppp/1p6/1P1p4/3P2P1/qP5P/3NPP2/2RQK2R w K - 0 16;score:459;eval:449;qs:449;outcome:1.0
8/1r2p1k1/2Nnn1pp/R7/8/5NPP/5PK1/8 b - - 6 38;score:32;eval:12;qs:12;outcome:0.5
r3k1r1/1p6/2p1pb1p/2P2p2/p2P1P2/4P1P1/PP1B1K1P/1R2R3 w q - 2 27;score:188;eval:164;qs:164;outcome:1.0
6R1/pp6/1k4P1/r7/5K2/2p4P/8/8 w - - 2 54;score:-94;eval:-88;qs:-88;outcome:0.0
8/5k2/8/4p2p/4P3/2r2PP1/2p2K2/2R5 w - - 0 53;score:-123;eval:-112;qs:-112;outcome:0.5
8/3k1n2/1K5p/7R/6P1/8/8/8 b - - 3 55;score:315;eval:306;qs:306;outcome:0.5
8/6R1/8/5K2/5p2/2r2k2/8/8 w - - 4 67;score:-193;eval:-154;qs:-154;outcome:0.0
r2qkbr1/ppp1pb2/2n2n2/3pP2p/P2P2p1/2PQ2P1/1P1N1PB1/R1B1K1NR b KQq - 0 9;score:87;eval:-1;qs:-1;outcome:0.5
5rk1/R4pp1/5n1p/1r6/1bqp1P2/4PK1P/3P2P1/1N2Q1NR w - - 0 23;score:-98;eval:-145;qs:-145;outcome:0.0
- The first part is the FEN
is the score noted in the PGN comment of the moveeval
is the static eval of the positionqs
is the quiescence search resultoutcome
is the game output, (0.0 white loses, 1.white wins, 0.5 is a draw).
All of score
, eval
and qs
are from white's point of view.
$ ./fengen -help
Usage of ./fengen:
-ignore string
Ignore the moves of engines, you can list more than one separated by commas
-input string
Comma separated set of paths to PGN files
-limit int
Maximum allowed difference between Quiescence Search result and Static Evaluation, the bigger it is the more tactical positions are included
-output string
Directory to write produced FENs in
-threads int
Number of threads (default 16)