
Code for the paper Multimodal Abstractive Summarization with Trimodal Hierarchical Attention

Primary LanguagePython

MAST: Multimodal Abstractive Summarization with Trimodal Hierarchical Attention

Code for EMNLP NLPBT 2020 paper.

Model Architecture

Mast model architecture

Running Instructions


MAST is trained on the 300h version of the How2 dataset: https://github.com/srvk/how2-dataset, which includes audio, video and text.


pip install nmtpytorch
git clone https://github.com/amankhullar/mast.git
  • Replace <path_to_env>/bin/nmtpy with file mast/nmtpy
  • Replace folder <path_to_env>/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nmtpytorch with folder mast/nmtpytorch


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_id> nmtpy train -C <path_for_conf_file>


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_id> nmtpy test -b <batch_size> <model_ckpt_path> -m eval -s test

Loading checkpoint

In order to load a pretrained model, add the argument 'pretrained_file' in the conf file with the path of the ckpt file as its value.

Rouge score calculation

Following script combines the predictions and targets in single files (all_hyp.txt and all_ref.txt) where each line is a prediction or a target in their respective files.

python combine_txts.py

This command calculates the Rouge 1,2 and L scores and stores them in the rouge_scores_sotah3.csv (please change name according to convenience).

python -m rouge.rouge --target_filepattern=all_refs.txt --prediction_filepattern=all_hyps.txt --output_filename=rouge_scores_sotah3.csv --use_stemmer=true

To generate the attention on words from the transcript, run :

python text_attention.py

This saves the file highlight.tex inside the respective folder in the att_wts dir.

Content F1 and other metrics

Install the nlg-eval library and modify the file at <path_to_env>/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nlgeval/pycocoevalcap/meteor/meteor.py, changing the meteor_cmd to:

meteor_cmd = ['java', '-jar', '-Xmx{}'.format(mem), METEOR_JAR,
                    #  '-', '-', '-stdio', '-l', 'en', '-norm']
                     '-', '-', '-stdio', '-l', 'en', '-norm', '-p', "1 1 0 0"]

which updates the values of the hyperparameters required for Content-F1 metric.

To generate visualizations

To get heatmaps run :

python get_heatmaps.py

To get heatmaps for only those examples where the predicted summary is shorter than the target summary (to account for decoder non tag)

python get_new_heatmaps.py