Welcome to the React Design Patterns Collection! This repository contains a curated collection of design patterns commonly used in React applications. Design patterns are proven solutions to common problems that help organize code and make it easier to understand.

Available Design Patterns

  1. [Render Props Pattern]: Learn how to share code between components using the render props pattern. ✅

  2. [Hooks Pattern]: Understand how to use React hooks to manage state and side effects. ✅

  3. [HOC (Higher-Order Component) Pattern]: Explore how to create higher-order components for code reuse.

  4. [Context API Pattern]: Learn how to manage global state with the Context API.

  5. [Component Composition Pattern]: Discover techniques for building complex UIs through component composition.


Each design pattern is documented in its respective markdown file under the src/Design Patterns directory. To use a specific design pattern in your React project, follow the code examples and integrate them into your components as needed.

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Happy coding!