Using Belady's algorithm for improved cache replacement policy
- Setup Oracle VM VirtualBox for Ubuntu 18.10 (or latest version) on your local machine
- Setup Champsim simulator by following GitHub ChampSim repo instructions.
However, in our implmementation we used a variation of ChampSim that was provided for 2nd Cache Replacement Championship. It can be found in the following website link.
git clone
- Clone the current repository that contains the Hawkeye implementation using the following command:
git clone
- For configurations 1 and 2 (single-core simulation) from CRC2:
- Compile code using the following command:
g++ -Wall --std=c++11 -o lru-config1 example/ lib/config1.a g++ -Wall --std=c++11 -o lru-config2 example/ lib/config2.a
- To run the simulation, use the following command, where the NUM_INSTRUCTIONS and FILE_NAME are replaced with proper parameters:
./lru-config1 -warmup_instructions NUM_INSTRUCTIONS -simulation instructions NUM_INSTRUCTIONS -traces trace/FILE_NAME.trace.gz
- Compile code using the following command:
- In order to use the CRC2 simulation, the traces for the benchmarks must have the following extension:
. - The following link contains all the benchmarks for SPEC 2006 for proper use with the CRC2. However, the extension is
. - In order to get the proper extension:
- Extract the
using a file compression tool, in our case we used 7-Zip. - After extraction, the extension of the file should be
. - Compress the file to a
format using the same compression tool. - Use the final trace file in the command lines provided to run the simulator.
- Extract the