#Cell Society ###Aninda Manocha, Hannah Fuchschuber, Alan Guo
- Start Date: Sep. 13, 2016
- End Date: Oct 2, 2016
- Hours spent: 100 total
- Alan - XML & Backend Structures
- Aninda - Backend / Game Logic
- Hannah - Frontend / JavaFX / Animations
- StackOverflow
###To start program: Main.java
###No specific test files.
###No extra data/resource files required to run
###How to use program:
- Run main method in Main.java and the user interface should pop up.
- Click change parameters and input all the initial desired settings.
- Click on the main menu button on the bottom of the screen.
- Click "start" button to begin simulation.
###Known bugs: Sugar simulation may or may not be functioning correctly.
###Impressions of the assignment: It was an eye opening project in the sense that we had to implement extensions half way through. This assignment truly tested the robustness and extensibility of our design to the fullest and exposed poor OOP design. The assignment was fun in groups but also a lot of work and time.