Django Guide

Django Tips & Tricks

  • pip install django==<version> - installs specified version of django
  • django-admin --version - returns the installed version of django
  • django-admin startproject <project name> . - creates a django folder in the current working directory.
  • python runserver <port number> - starts the django app on specified port number
  • django application by default runs on port no 8000, http://localhost:8000
  • db.sqlite3 file will be created automatically for the first time when we run the python runserver command.
  • return HttpResponse(<response>, status=<code>) - we can also pass status code along with response to HttpResponse method.
  • we can directly specify templates folder in TEMPLATE list for DIRS key as a list, instead of specifying absolute path using os module
  • {% extends "base.html" %} - extends a html component
  • {% include "footer.html" %} - includes a html component
  • python makemigrations - generates pseudo sqlcode/object under migration folder within app
  • python sqlmigrate <appname> <filename> - generates sql code from pseudo code/object
  • python migrates - creates a sql tables in db.

Django Static files

  • configure static file using the below code snippet
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
  • python collectstatic - collects/copies static files to static folder under root directory under admin folder
  • {% static '<path to file>' %} - to access a static file in django.

Django Most used import statements

  • from django.http import HttpResponse

Extra Tips

  • which python - returns the location of python in Mac/Linux Systems
  • where python - returns the location of python in windows Machines

Self Queries and Doubts

  • specifying directly templates under DIRS in TEMPLATES list instead of abs path using os.path.join() method
  • why admin folder is getting created while using python collectstatic and contents of admin are different from input