Data Structures and Files Assignments

All data structures and files Assignments of SPPU Second Year IT Syllabus

Find the lab manual here: Data Structures and Files

Table of Contents for Assignments

Program Name Problem Statement
Assignment1.cpp Implement stack as an abstract data type using linked list and use this ADT for conversion of infix expression to postfix, prefix and evaluation of postfix/prefix expression.
Stack.h Header file for Assignment1.
Stack.cpp Stack implementation for Assignment1.
Assignment2.cpp Implement priority queue as ADT using single linked list for servicing patients in an hospital with priorities as
i) Serious (top priority)
ii) medium illness (medium priority)
iii) General (Least priority).
Queue.h Header file for Assignment 2.
Queue.cpp Priority Queue implementation for Assignment2.
Assignment3.cpp Create Binary tree and perform following operations:
a. Insert
b. Display
c. Depth of a tree
d. Display leaf-nodes
e. Create a copy of a tree.
Assignment4.cpp Construct and expression tree from postfix/prefix expression and perform recursive and non- recursive In-order, pre-order and post-order traversals
Assignment5.cpp Implement binary search tree and perform following operations:
a. Insert
b. Delete
c. Search
d. Mirror image
e. Display
f. Display level wise
Assignment6.cpp Consider a friends‘ network on face book social web site. Model it as a graph to represent each node as a user and a link to represent the fried relationship between them. Store data such as date of birth, number of comments for each user.
1. Find who is having maximum friends
2. Find who has post maximum and minimum comments
3. Find users having birthday in this month
Hint: (Use adjacency list representation and perform DFS and BFS traversals).
users.h Header file for Assignment6.
users.cpp Graph Implementation for Assignment6.
Assignment7.cpp Represent any real world graph using adjacency list /adjacency matrix find minimum spanning tree using Kruskal‘s algorithm.
Assignment8.cpp Represent a given graph using adjacency matrix /adjacency list and find the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm (single source all destination).
Assignment9.cpp Store data of students with telephone no and name in the structure using hashing function for telephone number and implement chaining with and without replacement.
Assignment10.cpp A business house has several offices in different countries; they want to lease phone lines to connect them with each other and the phone company charges different rent to connect different pairs of cities. Business house want to connect all its offices with a minimum total cost. Solve the problem by suggesting appropriate data structures.
Assignment11.cpp Department maintains a student information. The file contains roll number, name, division and address. Write a program to create a sequential file to store and maintain student data. It should allow the user to add, delete information of student. Display information of particular employee. If record of student does not exist an appropriate message is displayed. If student record is found it should display the student details.
Assignment12.cpp Implement direct access file using hashing ( chaining without replacement) perform following operations on it
a. Create Database
b. Display Database
c. Add a record
d. Search a record
e. Modify a record

Table of Contents for Output files

Output File Name Description
Assignment1.txt Output file for Assignment 1
Assignment2.txt Output file for Assignment 2
Assignment3.txt Output file for Assignment 3
Assignment4.txt Output file for Assignment 4
Assignment5.txt Output file for Assignment 5
Assignment6.txt Output file for Assignment 6
Assignment7.txt Output file for Assignment 7
Assignment8.txt Output file for Assignment 8
Assignment9.txt Output file for Assignment 9
Assignment10.txt Output file for Assignment 10
Assignment11.txt Output file for Assignment 11
Assignment12.txt Output file for Assignment 12