
Hello, I have focused on the implementation of TabLayout, in which you will also get to know how ViewPager & FragmentPagerAdapter plays an important role to provide more functionality to the TabLayouts.

What I have learned.

  • Extend FragmentPagerAdapter in a java class TabPagerAdapter.

  • Implementation of design support library in build.gradle(Module:app).

  • Remove ActionBar, check res->values->styles.xml.

  • Making Custom Style for TabLayout using Widget.Design.TabLayout, check res->values->Styles.xml.

  • Proper use of text & colors in strings.xml & colors.xml file in a project, check res->values.


In TabPagerAdapter java class extend FragmentPagerAdapter and implement method:

  • getItem(int i)
    public Fragment getItem(int i) {
            return new TabOne();
        else if(i==1){
            return new TabTwo();
            return new TabThree();
  • getCount()
    public int getCount() {
        //Total number of tabs
        return 3;

Support 👍


Thank You!