DOCKER FILE - To run the project :

  1. Download the repository and download, reaname and position the .npz file under the main folder
  2. Extract Dockerfile out of the repository and run a command shell form that outer directory
  3. Install docker for your host system.
  4. Execute "docker build -t flask:make ." from the terminal.
  5. Docker will downlaod the dependencies, it might take a while so be patient.
  6. After successful completetion you will see " Successfully tagged flask:Docker " as output if it doesnt work please open a issue
  7. After sucessful image building run " docker run --rm -it --network=host -p 5000:5000 flask:make " this would result in server logging windows.
  8. You can now go to your browser at "localhost:5000" and acess the project.
  9. If you face a issue raise a issue at github.

VIDEO WALKTHROUGH - https://vimeo.com/342645947

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