
MaterialStepper is a custom Android View Library inspired by: https://material.io/guidelines/components/steppers.html

Primary LanguageJava

MaterialStepper (No Longer Maintained)

MaterialStepper is a custom Android View Library inspired by:

To the source(code)

To the example app

How is this library different from others?

  • This provides a View instead of Activity classes to extend from, making it simpler to use.
  • You can customize the functionality of Next, Back and Skip buttons and decide manually when to go to next/ previous step.
  • You can visually customize Next, Back and Skip buttons for each step individually.
  • You can customize the TextColor, CircleColor, IconDrawable of the StepTab in top bar (StatusBar)


How to use?


Add this to your (Module:app)'s build.gradle file

dependencies {
        compile 'com.sonu.libraries.materialstepper:material-stepper:0.0.4'


  • Add the view to your layout xml file
  • MaterialStepper requires the Fragment instances that are added as steps should be inherited from class StepFragment provided by this library
  • Create fragment classes and extend from StepFragment class and Override some methods
import com.sonu.libraries.materialstepper.StepFragment;
 * N = 1, 2, 3...
public class SampleFragmentN extends StepFragment {

    public SampleFragmentN(){
        //do anything you wan't in the constructor

     * return the title of the step in this method
     * this title will be shown in the Tab of your step (StepTab) in the Top Bar (StatusBar) 
    public String getStepTitle() {
        return "Title of step";

     * this method decides if the user can go back from this step or not
     * this method toggles the visiblity of back button in the bottom bar (NavigationBar)
     * return true for VISIBLE and false for GONE
    public boolean canGoBack() {
        return true;

     * this method decides if the user can skip this step or not
     * this method toggles the visiblity of skip button in the bottom bar (NavigationBar)
     * return true for VISIBLE and false for GONE
    public boolean canSkip() {
        return true;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_sample, container, false);
        return v;
  • Initialise MaterialStepper object in your Acivity/ Fragment
  • Add FragmentManager to the MaterialStepper object
  • Add steps to the MaterialStepper
  • Don't forget to call MaterialStepper's onBackPressed() in onBackPressed() of your parent Activity
import com.sonu.libraries.materialstepper.MaterialStepper;
import com.sonu.libraries.materialstepper.OnLastStepNextListener;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    MaterialStepper materialStepper;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        materialStepper = (MaterialStepper) findViewById(R.id.materialStepper);
        //adding fragment manager for ViewPager Adapter
        //adding steps
        materialStepper.addStep(new SampleFragment1());
        materialStepper.addStep(new SampleFragment2());
        materialStepper.addStep(new SampleFragment3());
        //adding functionality when NEXT button is clicked on last step
        materialStepper.setOnLastStepNextListener(new OnLastStepNextListener() {
            public void onLastStepNext() {
                //some action

    public void onBackPressed() {
        //calling onBackPressed for handling back presses in MaterialStepper View
        //onBackPressed() returns step index of currently displayed step
        //if the return value is 0 then call super for default functionality
        if( materialStepper.onBackPressed() == 0) {
  • You are ready to go. Happy coding...

Dive Deep into Customizations

Read further if you need to use the library to its full potential

Customizing StepFragment

Status of a step

  • status is a instance variable of class StepFragment which is responsible for the icon displayed in the StepTab of that step in the StatusBar when the user moves to another step by pressing skip or next buttons from the step
  • status should only be set to 3 static integers defined in class StepFragment
    public static final int SKIPPED = 2;
    public static final int INCOMPLETE = 0;
    public static final int COMPLETED = 1;
  • While overriding the onRightCLicked(), onLeftCLicked(), onSkipCLicked() remember to call super for these methods to set the status appropriately or else set the variable manually and logically
  • Definition of methods onRightCLicked(), onLeftCLicked(), onSkipCLicked() in the class StepFragment are given below just to give you an idea about functionality
    public StepFragment onRightCLicked() {
        this.status = COMPLETED;
        viewPagerCallbacks.swipeToPage(this, this.stepIndex+1);
        return this;

    public StepFragment onLeftClicked() {
        viewPagerCallbacks.swipeToPage(this, this.stepIndex-1);
        return this;

    public StepFragment onSkipClicked(){
        this.status = SKIPPED;
        viewPagerCallbacks.swipeToPage(this, this.stepIndex+1);
        return this;

    public void onBackPressed() {
        if(canGoBack()) {
  • Always set the status before calling swipeToPage() because the StepTab is updated in that method
  • Implementation of swipeToPage() is given below to give you an idea about functionality
    public void swipeToPage(StepFragment currentFragment, int index) {
    private void handleStatusOnNext(StepFragment stepFragment) {
        int status = stepFragment.getStatus();
        switch (status) {
            case StepFragment.INCOMPLETE:
            case StepFragment.SKIPPED:
            case StepFragment.COMPLETED:
                Log.e(TAG, "handleStatus():invalid status");

Customizing OnClickListeners of Next, Back and Skip buttons

  • When Next button is clicked, onRightClicked() is called
  • When Back button is clicked, onLeftClicked() is called
  • When Skip button is clicked, onSkipClicked() is called
  • Methods onRightCLicked(), onLeftCLicked(), onSkipCLicked() are implemented in StepFragment class from interface NavigationCallbacks
  • To customize their functionality override these methods and call super when your custom task is over or set the status instance variable appropirately and logically
  • A code sample is shown below
    public StepFragment onRightCLicked() {
        return this;

    public StepFragment onLeftClicked() {
        return this;

    public StepFragment onSkipClicked() {
        return this;
    private void customNextClick(){
        //do your custom stuff
        //call super

    private void customBackClick(){
        //do your custom stuff
        //call super

    private void customSkipClick(){
        //do your custom stuff
        //call super