
Manages the scheduling process for the programming support team

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Manages the scheduling process for the programming support team. Student can schedule physcial or virtual support session.

request support

login to drop-in

Use Aston credentials to login. //TODO drop-in performs an LDAP (Blackboard?) query to retrieve student information:

  • name
  • degree
  • year of study //QUERY
  • module list
  • programming languages/tool list
  • assignment list and instruction sheet from Blackboard.

describe the problem

Student selects the module and programming language and then provides a problem description. If the description is less than 15 words the 'Please provide an adequate problem description for us to help you.'

//TODO Compare question with previous questions for similarity. Create and reuse knowledgebase.

set support preferences

Available dates and times are shown for the different support types:

  • scheduled lab sessions
  • office hours calendar
  • online support calendar

The student selects a range of slots that can be attended and submits the request.

notifying the team

The request information is emailed to the pso team.

  • scheduled lab sessions
  • office hours calendar
  • online support calendar

selects from available support slots and indicate whether they prefer an office or virtual appointment. Student selects from available support slots and indicate whether they prefer an office or virtual appointment.

For virtual appointments student indicates use of Skype, Hangouts, etc or requests a Blackboard Collaborate session. Email contains links to help set up these tools.

  1. System generates an email to the PSO cover team. Team members review information and may request further information, or send links to tutorial, notes or video that may help provide a resolution. This information is then stored for future self-help.

Available team accept appointment and set meeting time by clicking a link. System generates meetings requests with link to retrieve the appointment information.

  1. Online calls may be recorded.
  2. How can groups be scheduled to address a common problem?