


FlowEstate aims to create a platform for buying and selling physical Real Estate assets using dynamic NFTs, which will upgrade based upon the property. This platform will allow for the purchase of property in the form of NFTs using credit cards, abstracting away the underlying blockchain technology's complexity using Flow Blockchain. FlowEstate seeks to create a more inclusive and efficient real estate market by leveraging Flow blockchain to offer a seamless buying and selling experience for physical Real Estate assets resulting in the mainstream adoption and onboarding.

Published on NFT Catalog - https://www.flow-nft-catalog.com/catalog/testnet/RealEstate

To chekc the NFT's on testnet - https://testnet.flowview.app/account/0x8add986bc5f20a17/collection

to view the NFT's on the NFT Catalog - https://www.flow-nft-catalog.com/nfts/testnet/0x90049f012a6eba3e/NiftoryDapperSample/41

Slides Link- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BtGbyGJ0GE1Hh2u0qvtc9WmcDF1UEVoQako8FqWCKRw/edit?usp=sharing


  1. Marketplace: A one stop marketplace to check, buy and sell NFTs of Real Estate

  2. WalletLess Onboarding image

  3. Create NFT: Generate a unique digital asset of your Real Estate using blockchain technology

  4. Check your collection: view and manage set of owned NFTs + you can check other user's collection using his Flown address image


  1. Own and Checkout Flovatars: See, purchase and verify digital Flovatars We are Querying from the mainnet, for testing - https://www.flowty.io/listing/906283794

  2. Checkout Decentralized Domains Flown: explore and potentially purchase Flown domain names.

Pay with USDC using Circle Payment:

Hassle-free and simplified payment on blockchain without using web3 wallet and cryptocurrency


How it will work:

  1. Buyer does checkout
  1. Buyer verfies the payment
  1. Circle will send payment to seller
  1. Asset transfer to Buyer
  1. Buyer redirected to collection page

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Niftory is a platform for building, launching, and tracking web3 application. It provide APIs needed to easily add NFTs into websites, apps, games and other experiences, without having to worry about smart contracts, gas fees or other esoteric blockchain infrastructure.

Off-chain and on-chain data management in a single API, combining the reliability and persistence of the Flow blockchain with the speed and cost of traditional web2 data management User authentication using OAuth 2.0, as well as wallet management and verification Blazing-fast GraphQL APIs for querying, minting and transferring NFTs

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Advantages of Decenralizing Real Estate

• Increased Transparency: Using blockchain technology can increase transparency and reduce the likelihood of fraud or disputes. This is because all the transactions and ownership details would be stored on a decentralized ledger, making it easier to verify the authenticity of the asset and its ownership.

• Liquidity: NFTs can make it easier to buy and sell real estate assets because they can be fractionalized, meaning that they can be broken down into smaller portions, allowing more people to invest in them. This could potentially make real estate investment more accessible to a wider range of investors.

• Speed: Traditional real estate transactions can be slow and require a lot of paperwork. Using NFTs on the blockchain could speed up the process by making it easier to transfer ownership of the asset.

• Flowty Integration

Take Loan , Rent it and Even List it for sale


Why we chose Flow to build the decentralized real estate platform FlowEstate

We found out Flow blockchain as a most suitable choice for building a real estate platform because of its scalability, high throughput, and ability to handle complex smart contracts.

Real estate platforms require high-speed transactions, data storage, and secure contracts to manage real estate transactions, such as buying and selling properties, rental agreements, and property management. Flow blockchain can provide fast and reliable transaction processing and storage, which can help to minimize the time and costs involved in real estate transactions.

Additionally, Flow's ability to support smart contracts can enable developers to create decentralized applications that can automate the processes involved in real estate transactions, such as escrow payments, title transfers, and property ownership verification. This can help to reduce the need for intermediaries and improve the efficiency and transparency of the real estate market.

Overall, Flow blockchain can provide a suitable foundation for building a secure and scalable real estate platform that can streamline the process of buying, selling, and managing real estate properties.

When selecting real estate properties to represent as NFTs, we are considering the following factors:

• Location: Properties in prime locations with high demand are more likely to attract buyers, so it's a good idea to choose properties that are in popular areas.

• Type of Property: Different types of properties have varying demand and appeal. For instance, residential properties such as apartments or houses, commercial properties like offices, retail shops, or industrial warehouses, or even land.

• Condition: The condition of the property is also an essential factor to consider. A property that is in good condition and has been well-maintained is likely to have a higher value.

° Historical Significance: Properties that have historical or cultural significance might have more value and could potentially attract a broader audience.

° Market Value: The market value of the property is an important factor to consider when selecting properties to represent as NFTs. The value of the property should be high enough to make it an attractive investment for buyers.

Tech Stack

For Frontend:

For Smart Contract: