
Created a custom hash function and overloading the equality operator. Then we create an instance of a certain unordered set which stores the instances of StudentRecord. You can then apply changes to this instance like querying the name,ID and grade, removing and adding new students.

Primary LanguageC++


Created a custom hash function and overloading the equality operator. Then we create an instance of a certain unordered set which stores the instances of StudentRecord. You can then apply changes to this instance like querying the name,ID and grade, removing and adding new students.

Running Instructions

Open the terminal and go to the directory containing the Makefile and student_hash.cpp and on the terminal type "make student", this will create the object.

To run the student_hash.cpp file, enter:


and press enter in the command terminal.

Now you can insert,remove or query already existing through the student's name,grade or ID.

  • To insert the following format is followed:

      	"I name ID grade"

    Remark: You cannot insert students with duplicate ID's.

  • To remove just enter:

      	"R ID"

    Remark: You can't remove a non-existent ID.

  • To query, you can use the student's name :

      "Q n/g/i name/grade/id" (respectively)

Remarks: Although two ID's cannot be the same, if querying a grade or name that is the same for two students, both those student's informations will be outputted. Querying something that does not exist will output an error message.

  • To end the program:


and press enter.