
Control raspberry pi with websocket, support GPIO, I2C, SPI, Serial, HDMI, SoftPWM, SoftSPI, SPIFlash

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Using websocket control your raspberry pi, raspberry pi side needs running an RaspiIOServer instance.



  • Support Python 2.7+, Python3+
  • Support I2C, API same as pylibi2c
  • Support SPI, API same as Spidev and support SPIFlash
  • Support GPIO、Software PWM, API same as RPi.GPIO
  • Support display image on LCD or HDMI via Multi-Media Abstraction Layer
  • Support HDMI video settings, power on/off, get monitor supported modes etc
  • Support query raspi hardware information, such as: Serial No.、MAC address, device list etc


  1. First install raspi-ios on your raspberry pi, and create an RaspiIOServer instance

  2. Second install Pillow

    $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
    $ sudo pip install Pillow
  3. Finally install raspi-io on your computer

    $ git clone https://github.com/amaork/raspi-io.git
    $ cd raspi-io
    $ sudo python setup.py install


    $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
    $ sudo pip install git+https://github.com/amaork/raspi-io.git

Default port

raspi_io default using port 9876 communicate with RaspiIOServer, but if RaspiIOServer port changed, your can specify default port like this:

import raspi_io
raspi_io.core.DEFAULT_PORT = 39876


Query: query raspi info

GPIO: usage same as RPi.GPIO

SoftPWM: usage same as RPi.GPIO.PWM

SoftSPI: software spi controller support read/write/xfer

Serial: support read/write/close/flushInput/flushOutput

I2C: support open/read/write/ioctl_read/ioctl_write

SPI: support open/close/read/write/xfer/xfer2

SPIFlash support probe/erase/read_chip/write_chip

GPIOSPIFlash support probe/erase/read_chip/write_chip

MmalGraph: display image on LCD or HDMI

TVService: raspberry pi video setting, set HDMI mode

AppManager: support install/uninstall app, and upload from local or online (check and get from gogs repository releases)

RaspberryManager: create RaspiWsClient instance

RaspberryManager usage

from raspi_io import *
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Scan LAN raspi-io server
servers = scan_server()
manager = RaspberryManager(servers[0])

# Create Query instance
query = manager.create(Query)

# Create I2C instance
i2c = manager.create(I2C, "/dev/i2c-1", 0x56)

# Create serial instance
s = manager.create(Serial, port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200)

I2C Usage

import ctypes
from raspi_io import I2C
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Open /dev/i2c-1, you can using Query.get_i2c_list() get i2c bus list
i2c = I2C(scan_server()[0], '/dev/i2c-1', 0x56)

# Python2, 3, both can using ctypes.create_string_buffer() create a buffer
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256)

# Python3 can using bytes, create a buffer
buf = bytes(256)

# Write
if i2c.write(0x0, buf) != len(buf):

# Read from i2c, Python2 return str, Python3 return bytes
r_buf = i2c.read(0x0, 256)

# Print data
i2c.print_binary(r_buf, 16)

SPI Usage

from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
from raspi_io import SPI, Query, SPIFlash
from raspi_io.spi_flash import SPIFlashInstruction

address = scan_server()[0]
device = Query(address).get_spi_list()[-1]
spi = SPI(address, device, max_speed=8000)

# Probe SPI Flash JEDEC ID
data = spi.xfer([0x9f], 3)
spi.print_binary(data, 16)

# Create a spi flash instance
flash_instruction = SPIFlashInstruction(chip_erase=0x60)
# When spi flash has different instruction set, can specified the flash instruction
flash = SPIFlash(address, device, speed=8000, page_size=256, chip_size=1024*1024, instruction=flash_instruction)

# Get spi flash manufacturer id and device id
manufacturer_id, device_id = flash.probe()

# Read whole chip
data = flash.read_chip()

# Write data to chip with verify
flash.write_chip(data, verify=True)

GPIO Usage

from raspi_io import GPIO
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Create a gpio instance
gpio = GPIO(scan_server()[0])

# Set as BCM mode

# Setup pin 21 as output, 20 as input
gpio.setup(21, GPIO.OUT)
gpio.setup(20, GPIO.IN)

# Output control
gpio.output(21, 1)
gpio.output(21, 0)

# Get input

SoftPWM usage

from raspi_io import GPIO, SoftPWM
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Create a software pwm instance, BCM mode, pin21, 1000hz
pwm = SoftPWM(scan_server()[0], GPIO.BCM, 21, 1000)

# Start pwm duty

# Stop

Serial usage

from raspi_io import Serial
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Open a serial port /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 baudrate
port = Serial(scan_server()[0], '/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)

# Read
data = port.read(1024)
if not data:
    print("Read error:{}".format(port.get_error()))

# Write
data = "1234567"
# Python3+ need encode first
w_size = port.write("1234567".encode("utf-8"))
if w_size != len(data):
    print("Write error:{}".format(port.get_error()))
    print("Success write:{} bytes".format(w_size))

# Close

Query usage

from raspi_io import Query
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Create a query instance
q = Query(scan_server()[0])

# Get hardware information
info = q.get_hardware_info()

# Error process
if not info:

hardware, revision, sn = info

# Get serial port list
l = q.get_serial_list()

MmalGraph usage

import time
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server
from raspi_io import TVService, MmalGraph

# Create tv service object, make hdmi monitor worked on preferred mode
tv = TVService(scan_server()[0])

# Create a mmal graph object display on HDMI, enable reduce size
graph = MmalGraph(scan_server()[0], display_num=MmalGraph.HDMI, reduce_size=True)

# Display
if not graph.open("../tests/superwoman.jpg"):

# Wait a moment, just in case graph is close

TVService usage

import time
from raspi_io import TVService
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Create a tv service object
tv = TVService(scan_server()[0])

# Get monitor preferred mode
group, mode = tv.get_preferred_mode()

# Get monitor supported modes
for mode in tv.get_modes(group):

# Set monitor to 1920x1080p
tv.set_explicit(TVService.CEA, 16)

# Wait monitor response

# Power off hdmi output

AppManager usage

import json
from raspi_io import AppManager
from raspi_io.utility import scan_server

# Get raspberry address
raspberry_pi = scan_server()[0]

# Load auth from json an get app name and online update repo name
auth = json.loads(open('auth.json', 'rb').read())

app_name = auth.pop("app_name")
online_update_repo = auth.pop("online_update_repo")

# Create a AppManager instance
agent = AppManager(raspberry_pi, timeout=30)

# Online fetch app newest release
repo_release_info, software_release_info = agent.fetch_update(auth, online_update_repo)

# Online update
print(agent.online_update(auth, repo_release_info, app_name))

# Local update
print(agent.local_update("release.tar", app_name))

for app_name in agent.get_app_list():