
A rewrite of neofetch in C including features not seen in other fetch programs

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Cfetch is a suckless-like command-line system information tool. It displays information about your operating system, kernel, packages, and more along with ASCII art of your operating system in an elegant way. The purpose of Cfetch is to quickly get information about everything quickly instead of using one different program for getting each piece of information.

Neofetch does a poor job at this because it is extremely slow because it is written in bash, so the purpose of Neofetch is just for screenshots. Despite this, Cfetch still looks more pleasing than Neofetch does. Cfetch is a rewrite of Neofetch in C forked from JaGoLi/paleofetch which was forked from ss7m/paleofetch.

Cfetch is still in very early development. Unfortunately, it still only supports Gentoo. Even worse, it also only works on Linux and Xorg. With time though, these issues can get resolved.

Advantages of Cfetch Over Other Fetch Programs

One major reason is the performance improvement. For example: Neofetch finishes running after about 222 milliseconds where as Cfetch can finish running in a blazing fast 13 milliseconds. It could be faster, but there is some shell code in this project that I plan to replace with C code.

Cfetch also has these features:

  • More accurate ASCII art for distribution logos
  • Evenly separated output
  • Vertical line to separate the ASCII art from the information text
  • Cached information

Dependencies | (Un)Installation | Configuration | Usage