
The Hyper-parameters for training the DinoV2+BoQ?

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Great work! Can you provide the concrete information in training BoQ with DinoV2 backbone? Such as the learning rate, scheduler options, train epochs, etc. Thank you!

Hi @Frost24K,

The model we shared has been trained on GSV-Cities with:

  • backbone: dinov2_vitb14 (unfreeze last 2 blocks)
  • batch size: 160x4
  • image size: 280x280
  • lr: 0.0002
  • optimizer: AdamW
  • warmup: 10 epochs (linear warmup)
  • lr_schedul: x0.1 every 10 epochs
  • total epochs: 40 (converges way before, between 20-30).
  • data augmentation: RandAugment(num_ops=3)

The VRAM usage when employing batches of size 160x4 is ~31GB. However, I've got similar performance using batch size of 100x4, which requieres ~19GB of VRAM.


Hi @amaralibey,
Thank you for your prompt response !