Best parameters for BoQ-ResNet50
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guipotje commented
Hello @amaralibey, thank you for the amazing framework, the code is pretty easy to use!
I'm training a BoQ-ResNet-50 with the following parameters, for obtaining a 4096 descriptor dim. After 40 epochs, I'm obtaining slightly worse results than expected from BoQ repository README. Is there any parameter you recommend to adjust for some improvement? I reduced batch size to 64 to fit in my GPU, do you believe this may be the reason for reduced performance?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024 Amar Ali-bey
# #
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Datamodule Configuration
train_set_name: "gsv-cities" # use "gsv-cities" if you have downloaded the full dataset
- 320
- 320
- 384
- 384
img_per_place: 4
batch_size: 64
num_workers: 8
- "msls-val"
- "pitts30k-val"
# VPR Model Configuration
module: src.models.backbones
class: ResNet
backbone_name: "resnet50" # name of the resnet backbone (see ResNet.AVAILABLE_MODELS)
pretrained: true
num_unfrozen_blocks: 2
crop_last_block: true
# Example of DinoV2
# name: dinov2
# module: src.models.backbones
# class: DinoV2
# params:
# backbone_name: "dinov2_vitb14" # name of the vit backbone (see DinoV2.AVAILABLE_MODELS)
# num_unfrozen_blocks: 2
module: src.models.aggregators # module path
class: BoQ # class name in the file in the aggregators directory
in_channels: # if left blank we will use backbone.out_channels.
proj_channels: 256
num_queries: 32
num_layers: 2
row_dim: 16
# Loss Function Configuration
# check src/losses/ for available loss functions, we are using pytorch_metric_learning library
# if you want to develop your own loss function, you can add it to the file
# or create a new file in the losses directory and import it into the file
module: src.losses
class: VPRLossFunction
loss_fn_name: "MultiSimilarityLoss" # other possible values: "SupConLoss", "ContrastiveLoss", "TripletMarginLoss"
miner_name: "MultiSimilarityMiner" # other possible values: "TripletMarginMiner", "PairMarginMiner"
# Trainer Configuration
optimizer: adamw
lr: 0.0004 # learning rate
wd: 0.001 # weight decay
warmup: 1500 # linear warmup steps
max_epochs: 40
- 5
- 10
- 20
- 30
lr_mult: 0.25 # learning rate multiplier at each milestone