The complete tutorial for this sample app is available at Please follow the tutorial for step-by-step installation instructions
This is a sample Travel application for mobile platforms that demonstrates the capabilities of the Couchbase Mobile 2.0 data platform. The simple app will allow users to search for and make flight reservations and will also allow searches for hotels based on specific criteria. In addition, the mobile app is bundled with a pre-built Database for holding semi-static data.
The mobile app will use the Couchbase Lite 2.5 that includes support for a N1QL like query interface and Full Text Search (FTS) capabilities.
The app will sync documents with Sync Gateway 2.5 and Couchbase Server 6.0 using a brand new Replication protocol.
Additionally, we will use a web version of the Travel Sample app to demonstrate seamless data sync between web and mobile apps.