Ulises Alexander A.M. :octocat:🇲🇽💻✍️

Typing SVG

I'm a software engineer from Mexico, I've been coding in Python for around 3 years, mostly in personal and college projects. I've been writing some functions in the fish shell to ease the management of my OS. I'm working on a Reading Management System, but for the moment, I'm focusing on a library to help with the development of book-related software. Recently, I create a blog.

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Haskell Python Arch Linux GNU/Linux Github Git Firefox Doom Emacs Obsidian Visual Studio Code

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UlisesAlexanderAM's GitHub stats UlisesAlexanderAM's Top Languages
Note: The top languages stats only considers the code in my Github repositories and isn't any indication of preference, experience or skill level. I hide Java because is not descriptive of the languages I'm invest on.

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