
C++ SFMl game

Primary LanguageC++

How to Install :

install sfml :-sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
install make :-sudo apt-get install make
-cd Zombie-Shooter
-make clean

Generale info:

*Game control : escape to close game
R :Reload
Z, Q,S,D : for up, lefet down right
mouse for rotation and shoting,
numbers to choose leveling up
Enter to pause and start game

*Game name: Zombie
*version :01.0

features and game mechanics

: •A Heads Up Display (HUD) that shows details such as the score, high score,and bullets in clip, the number of bullets left, player health, and the number of zombies left to kill.
•The player will shoot zombies while frantically running away from them.
•Move around a scrolling world using the WASD keyboard keys while aiming the gun using the mouse.
•In-between each level, the player will choose a "level-up" that will affect the way the game needs to be played for the player to win.
•The player will need to collect "pick-ups" to restore health and ammunition.
•Each wave brings more zombies and a bigger arena to make it more challenging.