Scripts for processing data for resolution of abstract anaphora
Use Gold Data/
to prepare the ASN corpus (Kolhatkar et al, 2013) and the CoNLL-12 shared task data (Jauhar et al, 2015).
Read arrau_csn/instructions_arrau_construction.txt
for processing of the ARRAU corpus (Poesio et al, 2018).
Follow instructions how to generate training data as in:
Ana Marasović, Leo Born, Juri Opitz, and Anette Frank (2017): A Mention-Ranking Model for Abstract Anaphora Resolution. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Copenhagen, Denmark.
If you make use of the contents of this repository, please cite the following paper:
author={Marasovi\'{c}, Ana and Born, Leo and Opitz, Juri and Frank, Anette},
title = "A Mention-Ranking Model for Abstract Anaphora Resolution",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
pages = "221--232",
location = "Copenhagen, Denmark",
url = ""
- download TigerSearch
- run:
- click on CorporaDir in the left sidebar
- from the toolbar choose: Corpus > Insert Corpus
- import parsed corpus and choose "General Penn treebank format filter"
- click Start
NOTE: before parsing a corpus we excluded documents which occur in our test sets.
- run:
- click on the corpus in the left sidebar
- write a query in the big white space and click Search
- from the toolbar choose: Query > Export Matches to File > Export to file and Submit
(q1) to get the full corpus:
(q2) for the general VP-SBAR-S pattern without any constraints:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s;
(q3) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with wh-adverb (WHADV), wh-noun (WHNP) or wh-propositional (WHPP) subordinate clause (SBAR):
#vp & #sbar & #s & #wh
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #wh: [cat=/WHNP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat = "WHNP" | cat="WHADJP" | cat=/WHADJP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat="WHADVP" | cat=/WHADVP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat="WHPP" | cat=/WHPP\-[0-9A-Z]/]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > #wh;
Examples which will be filtered later:
- WHNP: That selling of futures contract by elevators [is [what [helps keep downward pressure on crop prices during the harves]_S]_SBAR]_VP.
- WHADJP: But some analysts [wonder [how [strong the recovery will be]_S]_SBAR]_VP.
- WHADVP: Predictions for limited dollar losses are based largely on the pound's weak state after Mr. Lawson's resignation and the yen's inability to [strengthen substantially [when [there are dollar retreats]_S]_SBAR]_VP.
- WHPP: He said, while dialogue is important, enough forums already [exist [in which [different intrests can express themselve]_S]_SBAR]_VP.
(q4) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "that" as the head of the SBAR clause we require that the VP has exactly 2 children (to avoid relative clauses); others are captured with:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="that"]
& arity(#vp, 3, 100);
A filtered example:
The FDA already requires drug manufactures to [include [warnings ICH]_NP [with [insulin products]_NP]_PP [that [symptoms of hypoglycemia are less pronounced with human insulin than with animal-based products]_S]_SBAR.
(q5) for the general VP-SBAR-S pattern we capture more relative clauses with this pattern:
#vp & #sbar1 & #s1 & #sbar2 & #s2
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar1: [cat="SBAR"]
& #sbar2: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s1: [cat="S"]
& #s2: [cat="S"]
& #wh: [cat=/WHNP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat = "WHNP" | cat="WHADJP" | cat=/WHADJP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat="WHADVP" | cat=/WHADVP\-[0-9A-Z]/ | cat="WHPP" | cat=/WHPP\-[0-9A-Z]/]
& #sbar1 > #wh
& #sbar1 > #s1
& #s1 > #vp
& #vp > #sbar2
& #sbar2 > #s2;
A filtered example:
Under the direction of its new chairman, Francisco Luzon, Spain's seventh largest bank is undergoing a tough restructuring [[that]_WHNP [analysts [say [[may be the first step toward the bank's privatization]_S]_SBAR2]_VP]_S1]_SBAR1
(q6) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "since" as the head of the SBAR-TMP clause:
#root & #sbar & #s
& #root: [cat=/.*/]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #root >TMP #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="since"];
(q7) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "since" as the head of the SBAR-PRP clause:
#root & #sbar & #s
& #root: [cat=/.*/]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #root >PRP #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="since"];
(q8) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "since" as the head of the SBAR clause:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="since"];
(q9) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "as" as the head of the SBAR-TMP clause:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp >TMP #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="as"];
(q10) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "as" as the head of the SBAR-PRP clause:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp >PRP #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="as"];
(q11) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "as" as the head of the SBAR clause:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="as"];
(q12) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "if" as the head of the SBAR-ADV clause with only 2 children:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp >ADV #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="if"]
& arity(#sbar, 2);
(q13) for the VP-SBAR-S pattern with "if" as the head of the SBAR clause:
#vp & #sbar & #s
& #vp: [cat="VP"]
& #sbar: [cat="SBAR"]
& #s: [cat="S"]
& #vp > #sbar
& #sbar > #s
& #sbar > [word="if"];
Export Matches to File: tigersearch_matches/corpus_name + _ + query_name, e.g. tigersearch_matches/wsj_full (without .xml). It is important for next steps that files are saved exactly in this format.
- q1 - full
- q2 - general
- q3 - wh
- q4 - that
- q5 - relative
- q6 - since_tmp
- q7 - since_prp
- q8 - since_vp
- q9 - as_tmp
- q10 - as_prp
- q11 - as_vp
- q12 - if_adv
- q13 - if_vp
python corpus_name
python corpus_name_out
Produces a json of the format and saves it as data/corpus.json
"anaphor_derived_from": "string", # "since-prp"
"anaphor_head": "string", # "that"
"anaphor_phrase": "string", # "because of that"
"antecedent_nodes": [
"string", # e.g. "S"
"string", # e.g. "VP"
"antecedents": [
], # every other constituent that differs from the extracted antecedent in one word and any number of punctuation is consider to be the antecedent as well
# constituents that contain information about the head of the SBAR clause (e.g. that) or the verb that embeds the SBAR clause (e.g. said) are filtered from both positive and negative candidates
"artificial_source": "string", # sentence without the S clause which serves as the antecedent
"artificial_source_suggestion": "string", # artificial_source with the anaphor replacement for the S clause
"candidate_nodes": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the sentence which contains the antecedent
"candidate_nodes_0": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_nodes_1": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the sentence before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_nodes_2": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the sentence which is two positions before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_nodes_3": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the sentence which is 3 positions before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_nodes_4": [
], # list of syntactic tag labels for every negative candidate from the sentence which is 4 positions before the anaphoric sentence
"candidates": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the sentence which contains the antecedents
"candidates_0": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_1": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the sentence before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_2": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the sentence two positions before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_3": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the sentence 3 positions before the anaphoric sentence
"candidate_4": [
], # list of string of negative candidates from the sentence 4 positions before the anaphoric sentence
"original_sentence": "string", # the sentence on which the syntactic pattern for extraction was applied
"path_to_doc": "string",
"prev_context": [
] # strings of 4 preceding sentences of the anaphoric sentence
def make_model_input(datasets, candidates_list_size):
Prepare data for the LSTM-Siamese mention-ranking model.
:param datasets: 'artifical_wsj'
:param candidate_list_size: list, with values in ['small', 'big_0', 'big_1, 'big_2', 'big_3']
small if candidates extracted from sentences that contain antecedents,
big_0 from the anaphoric sentence,
big_x from the sentence which occurs x sentences before the anaphoric sentence, x >= 1
global PAD
global UNK
cwindow = 2
for dataset in datasets:
for size in candidates_list_size:
filename = "data/" + dataset + ".json"
sentences = [] # all text sequences for constructing vocabulary
sent_anaph = [] # anaphoric sentence
orig_sent_anaph = []
anaph = [] # anaphor / shell noun
ctx_all = [] # context of the anaphor/shell noun
positive_candidates_all = []
negative_candidates_all = []
positive_candidates_tag_all = []
negative_candidates_tag_all = []
sbarhead_all = []
for item in ijson.items(open(filename, 'r'), "item"):
if item['anaphor_head'] == 'none':
anaphoric_sentence = word_tokenize(item['artificial_source_suggestion'].lower().replace("-x-", ""))
# ignore anaphoric sentences with length (in tokens) < 10
if len(anaphoric_sentence) < 10:
positive_candidates = [candidate.lower() for candidate in item['antecedents']]
positive_candidate_tags = item['antecedent_nodes']
# assert len(list(set(positive_candidates))) == len(list(positive_candidates))
if not positive_candidates:
# tokenize: word_tokenize ignores extra whitespaces
positive_candidates_tokenize = [word_tokenize(candidate.lower()) for candidate in positive_candidates]
if size == "small":
negative_candidates = [candidate.lower() for candidate in item['candidates']]
negative_candidates_tag = item['candidates_nodes']
negative_candidates = []
negative_candidates_tag = []
for i in range(int(size.split("_")[1])+1):
negative_candidates.extend([candidate.lower() for candidate in item['candidates_'+str(i)]])
#assert len(list(set(negative_candidates))) == len(list(negative_candidates))
if not negative_candidates:
# tokenize: word_tokenize
negative_candidates_tokenize = [word_tokenize(candidate.lower()) for candidate in negative_candidates]
asent_temp = item['artificial_source_suggestion'].replace("-X-", " -X- ")
asent_token = word_tokenize(asent_temp)
mark_ids = [mid for mid, x in enumerate(asent_token) if x == "-X-"]
# only one anaphor should be marked
if len(mark_ids) > 2:
ctx = [x.lower() for x in asent_token[max(0, mark_ids[0]-cwindow): min(mark_ids[0]+cwindow+1,
original_sent = item['original_sentence']
filter_tokens = ["0", "*", "*T*", "*U*", "*?*", "*PRO*", "*RNR*", "*ICH*", "*EXP*", "*NOT*", "-LRB-", "-RRB-"]
original_sent_clean = [w.lower() for w in word_tokenize(original_sent) if w not in filter_tokens]
original_sent_clean_str = ' '.join(original_sent_clean)
if size.split("_")[0] != 'small':
distance = int(size.split("_")[1])
prev_context = item['prev_context']
for dist, sent in enumerate(prev_context):
if dist <= distance:
data = zip(anaph, sent_anaph,
positive_candidates_all, negative_candidates_all,
positive_candidates_tag_all, negative_candidates_tag_all,
ctx_all, sbarhead_all, orig_sent_anaph)
assert data
dict_train = {'dataset_sentences': sentences,
'data': data}
with open("data/" + dataset + "_" + size + '.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(dict_train, fp)
for atype in ['NONE', 'that', 'this', '0', 'because', 'while', 'if-adv', 'since-tmp', 'since-prp', 'as-tmp', 'as-prp', 'whether', 'after', 'until']:
eval_sample_file = open('eval_data/eval_' + atype + '.txt', 'w')
for item in data:
if item[7] == atype:
pos_candidates = ''.join(['(' + str(k) + ') ' + ' '.join(cand) + ', ' for k, cand in enumerate(item[2])])
' '.join(item[1]),
pos_candidates]) + '\n')
def word2vec_emb_vocab(vocabulary, dim, emb_type):
global UNK
global PAD
if emb_type == "w2v":"Loading pre-trained w2v binary file...")
w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('../embeddings/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin', binary=True)
# convert glove vecs into w2v format:
glove_file = "../embeddings/glove/glove_" + str(dim) + "_w2vformat.txt"
w2v_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(glove_file, binary=False) # GloVe Model
w2v_vectors = w2v_model.syn0"building embeddings for this dataset...")
vocab_size = len(vocabulary)
embeddings = np.zeros((vocab_size, dim), dtype=np.float32)
embeddings[vocabulary[PAD], :] = np.zeros((1, dim))
embeddings[vocabulary[UNK], :] = np.mean(w2v_vectors, axis=0).reshape((1, dim))
emb_oov_count = 0
embv_count = 0
for word in vocabulary:
embv_count += 1
embeddings[vocabulary[word], :] = w2v_model[word].reshape((1, dim))
except KeyError:
emb_oov_count += 1
embeddings[vocabulary[word], :] = embeddings[vocabulary[UNK], :]
oov_prec = emb_oov_count / float(embv_count) * 100"perc. of vocab words w/o a pre-trained embedding: %s" % oov_prec)
del w2v_model
assert len(vocabulary) == embeddings.shape[0]
return embeddings, vocabulary, oov_prec
def get_emb_vocab(sentences, emb_type, dim, word_freq):"Building vocabulary...")
word_counts = dict(Counter(itertools.chain(*sentences)).most_common())
word_counts_prune = {k: v for k, v in word_counts.iteritems() if v >= word_freq}
word_counts_list = zip(word_counts_prune.keys(), word_counts_prune.values())
vocabulary_inv = [x[0] for x in word_counts_list]
vocabulary = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(vocabulary_inv)}
if emb_type == "w2v":
emb, vocab, oov_perc = word2vec_emb_vocab(vocabulary, dim, emb_type)
if emb_type == "glove":
emb, vocab, oov_perc = word2vec_emb_vocab(vocabulary, dim, emb_type)
return emb, vocab, oov_perc
def vectorize_json(vocabulary, pos_vocabulary, data):
Final preparation of the data for the LSTM-Siamese mention ranking model: words -> vocab ids
global UNK
global PAD
anaph_str, sent_anaph_str, \
pos_cands_str, neg_cands_str, \
pos_cand_tags_str, neg_cand_tags_str,\
ctx_str, _, _ = zip(*data)
anaph = [vocabulary[a] if a in vocabulary else vocabulary[UNK] for a in anaph_str[0]]
sent_anaph = [[vocabulary[w] if w in vocabulary else vocabulary[UNK] for w in s] for s in sent_anaph_str]
ctx = [[vocabulary[w] if w in vocabulary else vocabulary[UNK] for w in c] for c in ctx_str]
pos_cands = [[[vocabulary[w] if w in vocabulary else vocabulary[UNK] for w in s] for s in c] for c in pos_cands_str]
pos_cand_tags = [[pos_vocabulary[t] if t in pos_vocabulary else pos_vocabulary[UNK] for t in tags]
for tags in pos_cand_tags_str]
neg_cands = [[[vocabulary[w] if w in vocabulary else vocabulary[UNK] for w in s] for s in c] for c in neg_cands_str]
neg_cand_tags = [[pos_vocabulary[t] if t in pos_vocabulary else pos_vocabulary[UNK] for t in tags]
for tags in neg_cand_tags_str]
data = zip(anaph, sent_anaph, pos_cands, pos_cand_tags, neg_cands, neg_cand_tags, ctx)
return data
All together:
make_model_input(['wsj'], ['small'])
json_file = 'data/wsj_small.json'
with open(json_file) as data_file:
artificial = json.load(data_file)
sentences = artificial['dataset_sentences']
emb, vocab, oov_prec = get_emb_vocab(sentences, 'glove', 100, 1)
print vocab
pos_tags_filename = "data/penn_treebank_tags.txt"
pos_tags_lines =, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines()
pos_tags = [tag.split("\n")[0] for tag in pos_tags_lines]
pos_ids = range(len(pos_tags))
pos_vocabulary = dict(zip(pos_tags, pos_ids))
pos_vocabulary[UNK] = len(pos_tags)
dataset = vectorize_json(vocab, pos_vocabulary, artificial['data'])