
A tutorial for lecture on detecting annotation artifacts with local explanations.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Detecting Annotation Artifacts with Local Explanations


  1. Clone the repositorty.
git clone https://github.com/amarasovic/lecture_detecting_artifacts.git
cd lecture_detecting_artifacts
  1. Download and install Conda.

  2. Create a Conda environment.

conda create -n lecture_env python=3.7
  1. Activate the environment.
conda activate lecture_env 
  1. Download the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Also run:
mkdir mice_edits
cd mice_edits
wget https://storage.cloud.google.com/mice-edits/mice_edits.csv

cd ..
mkdir mice/trained_predictors
bash mice/download_models.sh