
Docker image for running protractor tests

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker image for running protractor tests or any Selenium based tests. Docker Repo

Sample Protractor Config

    directConnect: true,

    baseUrl: BASE_URL,

    capabilities: {
        browserName: "chrome",

        chromeOptions: {
            args: [ "--headless", "--no-sandbox"]

Running Test

  • Create a npm script to run your tests in package.json
  • Either install dependencies or create a pretest script
  • Note: As the volume is being attached to the image. Make sure the node modules are linux compatible.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/vol -w /vol amarbir22/nodejs-chrome-java /bin/bash -c 'npm run test'


As node and Java is pre-installed, You can run tests based on various frameworks such as Webdriver.IO, NightwatchJS etc. Install Selenium Server etc.


Special thanks to Jessie Frazelle for her great work on Containerization.