Operations research model for machine maintenance/replacement. This app was a sample created in pure JS and Boostrap and it was replaced by 2DP RepSyMo Solver https://github.com/TobiasBriones/2dp-repsymo-solver which is a complete web application that solves several models of dynamic programming.
- This tool/example-project was replaced by 2DP RepSyMo Solver
- In the solutions tree you have a pair (K, R) that indicates an imaginary arrow if you take either Keep (K) or Replace (R) from that node, e.g. in the screenshot example if you are in the decision year #2 and your machine has 4 years, if you choose K then the arrow goes from that node to the node with the value of 5 in the next decision year, if you choose R then the arrow goes to the node with the value of 1 in the next decision year
- In the result chains the last one is extra, it shouldn't appear
Example Project: Machine Replacement Model
Copyright © 2019 Tobias Briones. All rights reserved.
This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License.