
Recipe Management Site created in Django

Primary LanguagePython

OpenEats Project

OpenEats is a continuation from qgriffith/OpenEats and pando85/openeats.


  • removed docker structure for hosting on uberspace

Install guide


Essential steps

Make sure Virtualenv is ready

pip2.7 install virtualenv --user
pip2.7 install virtualenvwrapper --user

Add some lines to .bashrc

export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7
source bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
source .bashrc
mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME

Make virtual environment

mkvirtualenv openeats --no-site-packages
workon openeats

Clone repository, install required packages

git clone https://github.com/pando85/openeats.git
pip2.7 install -r openeats/requirements.txt

(Adapt or skip this, if you want to use another database like MySQL or PostgreSQL).

Create an empty sqlite3 database file and change settings.py accordingly.

sqlite3 ~/openeats/openeats/openeats.db ".databases"

Make migrations, fill up the database with sample data, create static files and create superuser. Apply some minor fixtures

./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py collectstatic --noinput --clear
./manage.py createsuperuser

./manage.py loaddata openeats/accounts/fixtures/test_user_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/list/fixtures/list_test_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/list/fixtures/aisle_data.json  
./manage.py loaddata openeats/accounts/fixtures/test_friend_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/recipe_groups/fixtures/course_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/recipe_groups/fixtures/cuisine_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/recipe/fixtures/recipe_data.json
./manage.py loaddata openeats/ingredient/fixtures/ing_data.json

Making changes to languages and locale

Adapt openeats/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po, then use

./manage.py makemessages -l de
./manage.py compilemessages -f

Restart service!