
Tools for BootStrap & Unfold Techniques

Primary LanguageC++


Table Of Contents


This package needs the RooUnfold package, and a C++11 compiler. It has been tested with ROOT6.

  • Edit the Makefile in order to point the RooUnfold libraries and includes
make -j 16

User Guide

  • Construct a BootStrap method. Only BootStrap based on RooUnfold is doable at the moment.

The following functions are available:

  • SetNToys(): Set the number of BootStrap Toys that will be throw.

  • SetSeed(): Set the seed of the Random Number Generator.

  • SetUnfoldType(): BootStrap::kBayes, BootStrap::kSvd, BootStrap::kInv

  • SetRegParam(): Set the regularization parameter (only for svd, and bayes)

  • SetUMatrix(reco,gen,resp): set the response matrix histograms.

  • SetFMatrix(): if done, set a different matrix for the folding procedure.

  • SetData(): Set Data to be unfolded

  • SetSumW2(): Generate toys accordingly to Poisson or to Gaus. (since unfolding is run w/o errors, gaus will have err=sqrt(content) ).

  • SetToyType(): Set the type of "toy" to generate:

    • BootStrapBase::kBootstrap (default) use bootstrap technique.
    • BootStrapBase::kToy direct toy in the smeared space (as RooUnfold, implemented to allow different intervals projections)
    • BootStrapBase::kIterBias iterative bias corrections.
    • BootStrapBase::kMatrix statistical uncertainty on the matrix ( need to set sumw2 ) .
  • run( ): Run the boostrap.

  • results ( type ): get the result as TGraphAsymmError

    • BootStrapBase::kStd: mean points are the unfold ones. errors are asymetric in order to cover Q/2 each.
    • kRms: mean points are the unfold ones. errors is the rms.
    • kMin: mean points are the unfold ones. errors are the minimum interval to cover Q
    • kMedian: mean points are the median of the toys and errors covers the smallest possible interval
    • kMean: mean points are the mean of toys and errors covers the smallest possible interval
  • correlation() : return the correlation matrix. elements are the pearson correlatino coefficient of the toys.


  • Open python (PyROOT) and import libraries:
import ROOT
  • Get Response matrix/data and feed them to the BootStrap:
reco = f.Get(...) / data = f.Get() ...
b= ROOT.BootStrap()
  • Run the boostrap
b.run() ## default is ROOT.BootStrapBase.kBootstrap
  • Get the results
g_bootstrap = b.result(ROOT.BootStrapBase.kMedian,.68)

Code Organization

Two classes has been implemnted so far:


  • utilities to plot & co


  • implements some statistical tools that will be used
  • it''s a class (and not a namespace) because I had some problem in linking it in ROOT/PyROOT


  • pure virtual (missing the implementation of the Fold and Unfold methods)
  • implements the bootstrapping techinques
  • run() call bootStrap() for the toy production.


  • Implements the matrix construction with the three histograms
  • Implements the unfolding using the analytical inversion (not squared)
  • the Folding method assumes that matrix performs a smearing, and sums a bkg contribution. No NULL element is supported for the moment.


  • implements the Unfolding methods using RooUnfold.