Technologies Used:

  • FrontEnd:
    • Angular 6
    • Google Icons
    • rxjs
    • Bootstrap 4
  • Backend:
    • Django 2.0.0
    • django-cors-headers
    • twilio~=6.0.0

Backend APIs:

  • TO Send Message (POST):

    • /sendMsg/
      • body: {'number':string, 'msg':string}
      • response: {'status':string, 'error': string}
  • To get Contacts (GET):

    • /
      • response: [{'firstName':string, 'lastName': string, 'number': string},{...}]
  • To get List of Messages(GET):

    • /getListOfMsg/
      • response: [{'to':string, 'name': string, 'date': string, 'time': string, 'otp': string},{...}]


  • FrontEnd:

    • npm intall
    • vim /path/to/project/OtpApp/src/environments/environment.ts
    • Add Base url of backend
    • npm start
    • Dependency: npm
  • Backend:

    • virtualenv /path/to/project

    • source /path/to/project/bin/activate

    • pip3 install django twilio~=6.0.0 django-cors-headers

    • vim /path/to/project/OtpAppBackend/OtpAppBackend/

    • Add Base URL to front End in:

      CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ( 'base_URL_of_frontEnd', )
    • Add twilio settings:

      ACCOUNT_SID = 'Add Account_SID here'
        AUTH_TOKEN = 'Add auth_token here'
        FROM_NUMBER = 'Add twilo number here'
    • python runserver

    • Dependency: pip3, python3, virtualenv